Part 8

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•Louis' POV•
Me and Zayn got in his car when I practically pushed him out of the library
"Zayn, what the hell were you doing at the library?"
"To read?"
"You aren't supposed to be there!"
"Why not?"
"Cause, I was with Harry"
"Oh, how is the bet going, did you get that freak to fall in love with you?" he chuckled, I have no idea why I never realized how much of a jerk Zayn is
"Zayn, stop calling him names!"
"Why? it's fun" he laughed
"No it's not!"
"Why do you keep defending him, it's almost like you're the one who fell in love" he joked, but he was right, I did fall in love, Harry is such an amazing person, I can't keep hiding this secret. I'm going to come out to Zayn, and then I'm going to tell Harry the truth from the start.
"Zayn, there's something I got to tell you"
"Okay what?"
I let out a huge sigh, here goes nothing
I was cut off by Zayn's phone ringing
"Oh, hold on tommo, it's my mum, I'm going to pull over" he pulled over and talked with his mum, I don't know if that was a sign that I shouldn't tell him or what, but I wasn't going to risk it, I told him that I was going to walk the rest of the way home, he tried to stop me but I had to make it to Harry, so I jumped out and started running. When I got to Harry's his mum was sitting outside on their front porch, crying.
"Miss. Twist?" I said "What's the matter?"
"Harry's in the hospital"
"What?! why? what happened?"
"He was walking home from school and someone was driving completely too fast and they accidentally hit him" she began to cry harder "I just got back from the hospital, he doesn't remember anything Louis! he didn't even know who I was"
"I got to get to the hospital, I am so so sorry" I couldn't think straight, tears began to fill my eyes to the point where I could barely see where I was running, I had only one thing on my mind, and that was if Harry was okay, what if he didn't remember me?. I got to the hospital and found out which room he was in, a nice nurse took me to him and told me all that happened, when I got to his room all I could do was cry, I couldn't believe it, my sweet angel was laying there, unconscious.
"Harry? can you hear me?" I got no response, I sat down next to him on an old wooden chair and held his hand while he lay there. I was so scared, I didn't want him to forget all about me and everything we've been through together over these past days. I dozed off at some point, when I looked out the big hospital windows it seemed to be late, I looked over where Harry was last time I saw him and he was gone, I shot up and looked around for a nurse or a doctor to see if they could tell me where he went. I bumped into the nice nurse from earlier and asked her where he was, she said that he was down in the cafeteria with a doctor getting something to eat, I was relieved, I went back to his room to wait on him, his mum called me a bunch of times, it must have been when I was sleeping. Harry arrived back to his room.
"Hi Harry!" I said excitedly waving
He was completely clueless, he had no memory who I was, my heart sank, I held back my tears as much as I could.
"Are you the brother, cousin, or spouse?" the doctor asked me
"Spouse" I replied back, smiling softly at Harry
"Okay, well his vitals seem good, all he needs is some medication and some relaxing" the doctor said helping Harry back on the hospital bed. I motioned the doctor to the doorway so we could talk in private.
"How can me and his mum help him get his memory back?"
"Act like everything normal, this isn't permanent, his memory will come back, but don't rush it" the doctor said while leaving. I walked over to Harry and sat back down on the wooden chair next to the hospital bed.
"Do you remember me Harry?"
"No, who are you?"
"I'm your boyfriend" I said grabbing his hand
"I have a boyfriend?"
"Yes silly!, it's me, Louis"
"I'm sorry, I just don't remember you"
"It's okay, you will soon" I gave him a crooked smile, I felt like climbing up in that hospital bed with him and crying into his beautiful curly brown hair, but that would probably freak him out, he didn't even remember me.
"Your mum visited you earlier"
"Yeah I know, she seemed so upset, I didn't even know who she was at first"
"I know Harry, but it's okay" I grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine, I felt at ease, knowing he was comfortable holding my hand.
"Do you need to go home Louis?"
"No, I'm staying right here with you, I'm not going anywhere" He smiled at me, we talked for a while, I tried talking about things that happened between us to see if he could remember, he couldn't, which was sad and it hurt me, but the doctor told me to act like everything's normal so that's exactly what I did, I went to the nearest store and picked up a deck of cards, and some flowers and a "get well soon" card, when I got back I gave him the flowers and card which made his eyes light up with joy. I got the playing cards out and taught him how to play Go Fish, he loved every minute of it. After that he dozed off to sleep, which was good, he needed as much rest as he could get, I put up the cards and covered him up so he wouldn't get cold, I too then dozed off in the chair, hoping that when we both wake up, he'll remember something.

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