Part 5

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The sound of my alarm clock woke me up, I was actually excited about going to school, I couldn't wait to see Louis, I went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my hair and my teeth and spent an hour trying to find the perfect outfit to wear, I was already late for school but I had to look perfect for him. When I got to school Louis and his friends was outside, I wanted to go up to him but I knew he would treat me differently around them.
"Louis look! it's Harry" Zayn taunted him "Look how dorky he looks!"
"Not now Zayn" Louis said to him looking at his feet
"Come on Louis! say something!"
"Zayn I said not now!" I've never seen Louis this angry, he walked away and went inside the school, leaving me as a target, Zayn walked over to me and started doing what Louis should be doing.
"Why are you wearing a suit? this is a school not some middle school dance you couldn't get a date to" Zayn mocked me, I wore a suit so I could impress Louis, maybe it wasn't such a good idea I didn't even care to think what other people would say about me, I was completely humiliated.
"Zayn just leave him alone" Niall said grabbing Zayn's arm trying to get him to walk away
"No, what kid wears a suit to school?!"
"Maybe he wanted to look nice, come on let's go!"
Zayn Liam and Niall walked into school, I followed behind them, I walked to class hoping to see Louis, but when I got there he wasn't there. The class went by in a blur, I didn't pay attention to anything Mrs. Walter's was saying, I hope it wasn't anything important, I'm just so worried about Louis and why he didn't show up to class. After class I walked to where Louis' locker was, he wasn't there either. I went to the men's restroom and still couldn't find him, I tried calling but he wasn't answering. The school bell rang which meant school was over, I walked home still trying to get Louis to answer, I heard thunder in the distance.
"Great" I said out loud, walking at a fast pace so I could get home quicker. When I arrived my mum was sat on the couch drinking tea.
"Hey honey!"
"Hey mum"
"How was your day at school?"
"It was fine, I got bullied, the usual"
"It wasn't Louis who bullied you was it?"
"What? no, it was his friend Zayn"
"And Louis didn't take up for you?"
"No he walked away when Zayn started saying nasty remarks about what I wore"
"Don't listen to him, I think you look adorable in that suit!"
I went up to my room to change, I put on my favorite baggy tee-shirt and some black long shorts and laid down in my bed, it was raining so I decided to read, rain makes reading so much more peaceful. As I was finishing up my reading I heard the doorbell.
"Harry can you get that? I'm busy in the kitchen!"
my mum yelled from downstairs, I got out of bed and walked down, when I opened the door I was shocked, it was Louis, just standing there in the rain, he looked so beautiful, rain droplets falling from his brown hair, he was wearing a white shirt it was completely soaked, I could see right through it.
"Louis? what are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
"Yes, of course come in"
I took him up to my room and got him a change of clothes, he was shaking like a leaf.
"Louis, why were you out in the rain, and why wasn't you in class today?"
"I couldn't watch Zayn be so mean to you, so I got out of there and went home, when I got there I started thinking about you, so I ran all this way so I could see you"
"You could've called, me and my mum could've picked you up"
"Harry, I don't know what's going on with me but I'm starting to feel something towards you, and it's driving me crazy, I can't sleep at night without thinking about you, I can't eat, I can't even sing!"
"No let me finish, I really like you"
"You like me?"
"Yeah, couldn't you tell?"
"But all those times you bullied me for being gay, I just don't understand"
"Look, at first I didn't like you, and I didn't like that you was gay, but ever since we've been spending so much time with eachother I started to see how much of an amazing person you are, and I can't take it anymore, I have to do something about it"
after he said that he grabbed the side of my cheek, and pulled me to his lips. His lips were so soft, I grabbed the back of his head, and one thing led to the other, he laid me down on the bed and got on top of me, then my mum hollered that dinner was ready, but it didn't faze us, we continued what he had started until we heard footsteps coming from the stairs, Louis shot up off me and sat at the end of the bed. My mum knocked on my door, then came in
"Harry, dinner is ready"
"Be down in a bit mum"
"Oh hey Louis! I didn't know you were here!"
"Hey" he giggled
"Well you boys come on down! I made Harry's favorite!"
she left the room and me and Louis looked at eachother and laughed
"Let's go, I'm starving!" Louis said grabbing my arm forcing me to walk downstairs. I couldn't believe what just happened, me and Louis kissed!. We finished eating and Louis left, I told my mum that Louis said he liked me, she was so thrilled and happy for me, she suggested we invite Louis over for dinner every night, you couldn't possibly see this but my heart just did a backflip, I was so happy, nothing could ruin this.

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