Part 10

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•Harry's POV•
I woke up still in the hospital, I don't remember anything after the accident, all I know is that I have the most sweetest, cutest, loving boyfriend anyone could ever have, Louis has stayed at the hospital day and night for three days, but today is the day I get to go home, wherever home is. My mum came by and helped me pack my stuff, so did Louis, as soon as my mum signed me out we headed home, Louis' going to be staying with us for a while, which is great, I like having Louis around, I just wish I could remember who he is. "Okay Harry we're home!" my mum said turning off the car and getting out to carry in my stuff, Louis got out and opened my door for me and helped me out of the car, I was still sore, and I had a massive headache, we walk inside the house I told mum I wasn't feeling well and that I wanted to go up to my room, I couldn't remember which one was mine so I went to the first one I saw. "Oh Harry no that's your sister's room" Louis laughed and guided me to my room. "I have a sister?" I asked looking up at him confused. "Yes silly, her name is Gemma and she's off at college right now, I'm sleeping in her room for the time being"
"Oh, alright" I said putting down my bags, I flopped on my bed, my head was so sore I was ready for another nap. Louis put my clothes away and laid down beside me and rubbed my head, it felt good.
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, his beautiful blue eyes widened when I did.
"You okay angel?" he asked me
"Yes, I'm okay just a little sore is all"
"Take a nap, I'll be right here when you wake up" he kissed me on my forehead and covered me up with a soft blanket, I don't remember but I dozed off, I had the strangest dream, Louis was in it and he was bullying me? calling me names, throwing things at me. I woke up sweating and panting.
"Harry?! are you okay?" Louis exclaimed sitting me up he looked worried sick. "What happened are you okay?"
"Yes, I just had a terrible dream"
"Oh, what was it about?" he asked rubbing the back of my head, he began to play with my hair.
"What about me?"
"You were, bullying me, calling me names and such"
As soon as I said that he stopped playing with my hair and looked at me sadly.
"What's wrong Louis? I didn't mean to upset you"
"No, you didn't, it's just"
"It's just what?" I asked him, holding his hand
"That dream, is true, a memory came back to you"
"What do you mean? I'm confused"
"I used to bully you Harry, I used to call you names and throw things at you, then one day at school we got paired to do a group project, I wasn't excited about it cause I didn't like you at the time, but as the days went by of us hanging out, I started to get feelings for you, and I told you" he said looking at me his eyes watery
"So, my dream wasn't really a dream?"
"No, sadly it wasn't, I'm sorry"
"But you don't bully me now right?"
Louis smiled at me "Of course not, I would never hurt you, you're my angel"
"That's good to know, I'm sorry I startled you"
"Don't apologize Harry, you have nothing to be sorry for" he rubbed the side of my cheek with his thumb and pulled me in to kiss him, his phone started buzzing.
"You should get that"
"I'll get it later" he threw his phone at the end of the bed and got on top of me, he started kissing my neck and he pulled up my shirt. "Is this okay?" he asked
"Yes" I said to him grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to my lips, he started to continue until his phone kept going off.
"Who the bloody hell could this be!" he said sitting up still on top of me, he reached for his phone and his eyes got really big. "I have to call someone" he stuttered "I'll be right back" he kissed my cheek and went into my sister's room, I wonder what that was about.

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