Part 4

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•Harry's POV•
Yesterday was weird, Louis was being nice to me randomly. His change of attitude came out of nowhere, I don't know if I should be thrilled or terrified, I've gotten so used to the bullying that it doesn't even feel normal for him to be nice to me. We don't have school today, he's coming over so we can work on the project more, I'm kinda nervous.
When Louis got here I met him downstairs and we both went into the kitchen with my mum, she was making us lunch, her and Louis were starting to get along, he apologized to her about all the pain he caused me over the past couple of years, he even apologized to me. Things were going great, I started liking Louis, he's been a good friend ever since the bullying had stopped. The only issue is whenever he's around his friends and I try to go up and talk to him, he pushes me away, he don't say any nasty things about me but just tells me to go away, I wonder why he hasn't told his friends that me and him are friends now. After we finished lunch we went up to my room to get started on the project, but Louis had something else in mind.
"We've been working on this project for two days now, we got the rest of the week, let's talk" Louis said to me
"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"
"I want to know more about you Harry, you seem like a really interesting person, you have so much stuff in your room, do you like art?" He said to me getting up and looking around
"Yeah, I like art, do you?"
"Nah, I'm more into music"
"Really? do you sing? play instruments?"
"I play guitar and sing, me and the guys want to start a band one day, silly huh?"
"I don't think it's silly at all Louis, I want to hear you play and sing now! you gotta show me!"
"Oh no way! I can't do that!"
"Ugh why not!, let me hear!"
"Harry, I can't do it in front of you"
"Why not?"
"You make me nervous"
What did he just say? I make him nervous? nothing makes Louis Tomlinson nervous, there was something off about him.
"Just sing me a line, of any song"
"There's this song me and the guys wrote a while back"
"What's the name of it?"
"Story of my life"
"Sing me a line! come on please?!"
He began singing, his voice was beautiful, Louis had so much potential and he was smart, funny, and also really cute. I don't know what I'm doing, that's my childhood bully! I can't be falling for him.
"So, what do you think?" He said
"That's such a great song, and you sound amazing!"
"You think? it sounds much better with Zayn Liam and Niall joining in"
"Whenever you guys get famous you best remember me!"
"Oh how could I forget you Harry? people would ask and I'd be all like, "yeah, we go way back""
Louis laughed and smiled at me softly, there went the butterflies, I felt sick, my stomach was turning, my hands started to sweat.
"So, you wanted to know more about me?"
"Yeah I do, tell me everything"
I told Louis about my childhood and about my sister going to college and how me and my mum miss her, I also told him about my living situation and how it got bad. It seemed like he genuinely cared. We laughed and talked for what seemed like hours.
"Alright, enough about me, tell me your story Louis"
"Ah, no story for me"
"Come on tell me!"
"No Harry I really don't want to, let's change the subject"
He looked hurt, I felt bad for even bringing it up
"Let's listen to some music!" I said, jumping up putting a record on the record player
"Oh my, you are old school" Louis smirked at me
"Would you care to dance?" Louis said in a really weird accent
"Why are you talking like that?" I laughed at him
"I'm being a gentleman Harry!, how dare you criticize me!"
He grabbed my arm and spun me around, we started laughing, then my stupid sneaker got in the way and make us trip, we fell to the ground laughing, then Louis rolled over on top of me. A long pause happened. "It's getting late, I should go" He said getting up, holding out his hand to help me up
"Okay yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at school" I said to him
"Okay, hey listen, I had a really good time Harry, we should hang out more" He said walking out my bedroom door and downstairs, I heard him and my mum talking
"Louis you be safe now!" She said to him
"Trust me I will!"
They hugged and he left, I was completely happy, I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time. I went to bed happy that night, first time in a while.

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