Part 12

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•Harry's POV•
I woke up, Louis was next to me still asleep, I kissed his forehead and got up and stretched, I walked over to my dresser and got some clothes and headed to the bathroom for a nice shower. I took my dirty clothes off and hopped right in, this made me feel so much better, ever since my accident my head had been hurting so bad, but luckily Louis has been there for me from the beginning. I finished washing up and got out, I threw on my insanely comfortable robe and got my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. Suddenly I look up too quick and the room became dizzy, I tried to straighten up but I collapsed, I heard Louis scream from my room, he got to me really fast, then again I have my own bathroom and it's in my room but Louis still got to the bathroom to help me up, he was worried sick and I just laid there and couldn't move. "Harry! are you okay?!" I heard his voice in a distance, then I blanked out. I wake up to the sound of my Mum and Louis talking next to me, I figured I was in the hospital again but when I regained consciousness I saw that I was in my room, on my bed. "Lou?" I groaned and rubbed the top of my head. "Mum?"
"Harry!" they both said at the exact time, they ran over to me and both hugged me, I thought I was going to pass out, they both had ahold of me tightly.
"Guys! I'm fine, I can't breathe!" I laughed, they both shot up quickly. "Harry, baby are you okay?" my Mum asked me with a very worried look on her face, she had been crying I could tell by how her eyes were puffy, I then looked over at Louis and he was already crying, I felt bad for making them worry about me.
"Yes, I'm fine, you guys don't need to worry about me" I smiled at them, I looked over at my bed side table and saw a glass of water, I quickly grabbed it and took several gulps. "We're just glad you're okay Harry" Louis said walking over to me and sitting next to me. "I'm going to go make something for dinner, Harry? does tacos sound good?" my Mum asked me rubbing the side of my arm.
"Yes, tacos sounds perfect Mum thank you" I smiled up at her, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and off she went. Louis started crying again.
"What's wrong honey?"
"I was just so worried about you, you didn't wake up for two hours, I thought you wasn't going to wake up at all" he began to cry harder
"Lou, I'm okay I promise, stop worrying ,I am okay" I smiled at him softly and motioned him over to my shoulder, he laid his head down and I played with his hair, I began to smile, I was so happy I have a Mum who cares so much about me and a boyfriend who would do anything for me, my life is perfect. Me and Louis heard the doorbell. "I got it!" my Mum yelled from downstairs, we couldn't hear who it was but my Mum called for Louis. "Louis! there's someone here to see you!"
"Huh, that's weird" Louis said as he got up, I followed behind him but he stopped me as soon as he saw me get up. "Harry stay in bed angel, I'll be back in a minute" I let him go but as soon as I couldn't see him anymore I made my way quietly downstairs, I looked at the door and it was some guy, he had short dark hair, and tattoos, and ear piercings, why did this guy look so familiar? I sat at the top of the stairs and eavesdropped over Louis' and his conversation.
"What are you doing here?" Louis quietly whispered
"I needed to come see how things were going with Harry"
This guy knew me? maybe he came and visited me in the hospital and I just couldn't remember.
"Zayn, you shouldn't be here!"
Zayn?! why was he here? I thought he bullies me and doesn't like me? why would he be here to check on me?. I continued to eavesdrop.
"Louis, it's been almost 3 weeks, I haven't heard anything from you about how the bet is going"
"Zayn hush! I can't talk to you here let's go somewhere else"
"No! we are talking here, I'm not leaving until you tell me why you've been avoiding me!"
They started getting really mad at each other, so I went down to try and calm them down.
"Lou? what's going on?"
"Harry! you're supposed to be in bed, go on up and I'll be there in just a minute!"
"Harry I heard about your accident, sucks to be you" Zayn laughed, Louis got in his face and told him to stop being mean or he's going to throw him out himself, I went over to Louis and stood in front of him.
"Lou, it's okay, just be nice my Mum will get worried about what's going on"
"So Harry, has Louis told you yet? it seems like you already fell in love, I mean you call him Lou"
"What? I'm confused did he tell me what?"
Zayn laughed and looked at Louis with his eyes wide
"You haven't told him? it was only supposed to be a week what in the world are you doing?"
"Zayn! stop it now!"
"Louis?, what is he talking about?" I backed away from Louis, I was starting to get worried as to why he was ignoring me.
"Harry, it's nothing just go on up to the room and I'll be there in just a minute!"
"If you haven't told him by now then he needs to know" Zayn said looking at me evil like.
"Look Harry, me and Louis made this bet"
"Zayn stop!" Louis interrupted him but it didn't phase Zayn at all, he kept talking.
"And the bet was for Louis to get you to fall in love with him at the end of the week"
"Zayn shut up!" Louis interrupted him again
"And apparently Louis has gone soft and made it last longer than a week"
"Zayn! I can't believe you just did that!" Louis said pushing him.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I started tearing up, I ran upstairs crying my eyes out I couldn't even look at Louis, why would he pretend to like me? all for a stupid bet?! I heard him yelling for me from downstairs but I didn't care, I went to my room locked the door and laid on my bed to cry. I heard the front door close, either Zayn left or Louis left with him. Then I hear running up the steps, It was Louis, I could hear him crying.
"Harry please unlock the door so I can explain! What Zayn said was true! but I actually caught feeling for you! at the beginning It was just for the bet, but as soon as I started to get to know you I couldn't help how I felt!. Please Harry you got to believe me!"
"Go away Louis" I sniffed trying to hold back more tears but I couldn't do it. "Harry, please open the door" I heard the pain in his voice, he was crying a lot, but I didn't care. He hurt me, he promised he would never hurt me. He promised he would never hurt his angel.

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