Chapter 15: Meet your Brother

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I'm so sorry guys I'm a horrible person. I should have updated like 6 billion years ago please don't kill me. I'm having trouble writing this story so I'm going to put it ON HOLD until I have the rest of it planned out and/or written so that I can consistently. Sorry. On that depressing thought, ciao and enjoy!
P. S. I wrote this literally a month ago idk why I never posted it.

"Okay, we'll head downstairs then. Don't want to keep him waiting any longer! We'll finish this later, though."

I yanked on Freddie's hand and pulled him into the hallway. When we got a safe distance away, I turned to Freddie.

"What the heck do you think Carl wants?"

Carl, Freddie's wonderful father. The man who stole my life and brother away from me. And the head of the delightful assassin club I'm a part of. On top of that, though, we haven't been contacting him about the mission we're currently on, and which we are probably supposed to be done with by now. Instead, we've befriended the guy we're supposed to kill. Now you can see why I'm just ecstatic to see why this delightful man wants to speak with us. Note the sarcasm.

"I don't know, but it can't be anything good. Let's try to hurry up though- you know how impatient my father gets," Freddie replied. I nodded and we briskly walked through the labyrinth of halls and to the front door, where Carl was evidently waiting.

"Took you long enough," Carl said gruffly before securing his vice-like grip on our shoulders and harshly dragging us into the waiting limo.

As soon as the door closed behind us, we sped off, and Carl sipped the red wine that had miraculously appeared in his hand. After a few minutes of silence, Carl said in his deep, elegant voice,

"The client who wishes to see Justin's demise, who shall remain anonymous, reported that he noticed the two of you befriend Justin instead of plotting against him. He is, may I remind you, your target, and you will take him down. Anyhow, this information goes against what you've been reporting to me throughout your whole mission."

I shoot an angry yet thankful glance at Freddie, who gives me the slightest of shrugs in return. One one side, I'm happy that he's been reporting to Carl so that he wasn't on us more, yet I'm angry that he kept contact with the man.

"We were planning on getting closer to the target before taking him out, father, so you needn't worry," Freddie snapped, yet I saw a cautious look flash in his eyes.

"Well, you've taken far too much time to complete this job, so you will get a new addition to your hunting party, as of tomorrow morning. And Samantha, I think you'll be especially interested in this new accomplice," Carl said with a shockingly smug undertone to his voice.

Who could it possibly be? Why the heck would Carl sound so smug, unless...

The dawning realization must have been clear on my face, for then Carl smirked.

"That's right, Samantha, your dearest brother Trevor."

I clenched my jaw before I wiped my face clean of emotion, so that when I made eye contact with Carl, my face was an unreadable mask.

"What an interesting turn of events," I said with surprising calmness.

"Yes, let's just hope you two get along after all this time. I've found him to be quite the ruthless killer."

Our of the corner of my eye I saw Freddie's jaw clench, and it was through sheer willpower that I kept a straight face.

"Well, it seems that our time together has come to an unfortunate close, but we should chat again sometime soon,"

"Definitely," I said in an emotionless voice. Over my dead body I thought to myself.

The chauffeur opened the door for us, and Freddie slid out, but Carl stopped me with his words.

"Oh and Samantha? Don't even think about running with the boy. Dispose of the target and return here like a good girl. And it would be in your best interest to do so as quickly as possible."

I was then released from the hold his words had over me, and I stumbled out of the black door. I fell into Freddie's waiting arms as the car zoomed away behind me.

"I know," was all that Freddie said, and he held me as my body wracked with shudders. I distantly felt him lift me up and carry me to a secluded bench of the park, and I wrapped my arms and legs around my best friend.

And for the first time in eleven years, a lone tear crawled its way through my eyelids and out of the corner of my eye, down my cheek, and came to rest at the tip of my chin, before it dripped onto the corduroy of Freddies jacket.

He rested his head on top of mine and rocked me gently back and forth, and I instinctively curved myself in to the familiar feel of Freddie's arms.

After a while I looked up at Freddie to see him gazing down at me, and I pressed my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the comforting smell that was Freddie.

"He promised. He promised, and he broke the deal. He said he wouldn't train Trev, but he did, he did. Why do I have to uphold my side of the bargain and he doesn't? And yet now that he broke it, there's nothing I can do. He'd just find some other way to harm us. Gosh, how could I have been such an idiot, believing that Carl wouldn't make Trev into a serial killer just because he said he wouldn't? I mean, seriously, what worth does the head of an assassin industry's words have?" I questioned between sobs.

"It's my fault. I should've known that he wouldn't uphold his part of the agreement. I'm so sorry," Freddie said, with anguish filling his words.

"Freddie, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known that he wasn't to be trusted."


"You were what, ten? And he was your father. You wanted to trust him, no matter how bad he was, because some part of you loved him. And that's understandable. I'm just terrified to think what they've made Trev do. I can't even imagine what that's done to him. Do you think he's as cold hearted as Carl says he is? I mean, he was always so sweet, and..."

Freddie didn't make a noise, he just stared at me with a deep sadness in his eyes. So I came to the conclusion myself.

"But they wiped all his memories, his whole personality. How could he have possibly remained sweet when he didn't, he couldn't remember being sweet."

I was quiet for a moment, and then was enraged at a dawning realization.

"They probably fed him some stupid story of how his family abandoned him, and now if I even mention the truth, he'll hate me! And anyways how am I supposed to let him kill Justin when I can't even bring myself to do it."

"Sammy, I'll be with you every step of the way. I would say it'll all be ok, but I can't guarantee that it will, and I don't want to tell you empty words. For now, though, let's just get a good night of sleep and leave the plotting for the morning."

"But," I started, "Trev will be here in the morning, and-"

"I know, but I have a feeling we won't be able to think very practically right now. It's just too much to take in, and both of us could do well with a good nights' rest. We can wake up before Trevor arrives and talk about it in the morning, okay?"

The tone of his voice left no room for argument, so begrudgingly I nodded and followed him back to our apartment complex.

A little surprise and some Sam and Freddie time :)

Again, I'm so sorry to put this story ON HOLD, but I'm not really motivated to continue writing anymore.

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