Ch. 4 A Serious Case of Amnesia

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We quickly approached a massive building. I looked up in awe, and glanced over to see Trevor equally as starstruck. We entered the building with Carl in front and Matt and John behind us. The doors slid open at the touch of Carl's thumb, and icy air blew on my face in greeting. I looked around in admiration at the massive room, absorbing the marble floors, comfortable looking couches, and antique desks. A voice tickled the hair around my ear, and I jolted in surprise.

"Don't let it deceive you. It's like a living hell past this lobby." Freddie murmured softly. I found it hard to believe his words, but then again, why would he lie to a girl who just lost her parents? I was immediately led to one of the soft caramel couches. Suddenly, a rough rope wound around my wrists and ankles, and I saw the same being done to my brother. I struggled to break free, but the rope was just tightened, and cut into my wrists, making them bleed. I saw Freddie start to run towards me, but Carl punched him with a resounding boom, and he fell to the ground, clutching his face.

"Don't struggle! Everything's going to be okay! Calm down, I'll keep you safe," I told my brother in a soothing voice. I relaxed a little as he slowed his struggling, and glowered at Carl with pure unadulterated hatred in my eyes. I looked back down and scanned Freddie's face. I was horrified to see the right side of it start to take on a purplish-blue hue. Silent tears traced their way down my cheeks, and I whimpered slightly at the pain. Droplets of blood, my blood, were now splattered on the white marble floor that I found so beautiful just seconds ago.

"Now that I have your attention, as you can probably guess, this is no private school," he paused for dramatic affect, "we're an assassination company." I gave him a blank stare as my tears subsided. Now I was just simply enraged. I clenched my jaw tightly to prevent myself from blurting out something I would regret. "You are both going to be trained to become professional killers, and you will cooperate."

"No way creep! You can take me, but leave my brother alone! I'll do anything! Please, just leave him be!" I saw Freddie give me a wide-eyed stare and shake his head no, but I ignored him. I had to save my brother from this horrible fate.

"Well, unfortunately for you, your parents owed us a great debt, which you have to pay off. You see, your parents used to work for our company, as assassins, before they tried to betray us. And as you can see, those who try to cross us don't really last, now, do they? On that happy note, you can either become assassins for our company and cooperate, or you and your brother will die, just as your parents did. It's your choice." Carl said with a sickening smile.

I felt nauseous at the revelation, and extremely murderous. I will kill this man, I vowed to myself. I would get revenge for my parents. "You will regret doing that, Carl. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life." I growled with nothing but hate in my eyes. Carl looked amused, but also a wee bit fearful. Good. This man could be afraid of an eleven-year-old child, I thought with an weak internal smile. "Isn't there anything else I could do?" I suddenly pleaded. "I'll work for you as long as you want, do whatev-" I was cut off by a fuming Freddie.

"No, she won't! Don't do this, Sam! You don't know what you're getting yourself into!" He then received a hard kick to the ribs from his father, and I winced in pain as he curled up like a withering flower under the scorching hot sun.

"So what was it you were saying?" Carl said with a domineering smirk. Freddie gave me one more pleading look through his tears, and I decided to slightly alter what I said before. I took a deep breath to clear my head.

"I'll work for you until I'm twenty, and do whatever you say as long as it won't cause harm to me. In return, you won't make my brother an assassin, he'll go to school, and you will not hurt him in any way, shape, or form. Even if he asks for it," I said as an afterthought, remembering that he could easily have his mind manipulated.

"Well, that deal seems to benefit it you much more than it does to me. How about this? You will work for us until we say you can stop, and will do whatever we say, 'as long as it doesn't cause harm to you.' But, if while on a mission you get hurt, that doesn't break our deal. In return, we will wipe all memories of you from your brother's mind, and you won't be able to make any contact with him. He won't become an assassin, and he won't get hurt. And if you break this deal, your brother will be murdered on the spot. Do we have a deal?"

I felt like something was trying to breach my mind. I fought the urge to agree with him. The little nagging voice grew and grew, telling me to listen to him. I assumed that was him trying to override my mind and manipulate it, so I did everything in my willpower to ignore it.

"No, that won't work for me. You could have me working until I'm forty, and I wouldn't be able to leave. No, until I'm twenty-five. And Trevor has to go to school," I demanded.

"Hey, since I'm the one with the upper hand here, you're not really in a position for arguing. Yes he'll go to school, but you will stay with us until we say other words. Kapish?" I thought it over. There was really nothing I could do to change his mind.

"Fine. Deal." I replied with a cold voice. "Can I at least say goodbye to Trevor?" Carl nodded to Matt, who undid my wrists and ankles. I winced as I inspected the deep grooves that were now carved into my wrists. I walked over to Trev, trying to ignore the shots of pain firing up my legs at the simple movement.

"Hey, buddy. So, I guess this is, um, goodbye. You aren't going to really, like, remember me in a couple of minutes, and..." I broke down in tears, overwhelmed by emotion. My brother hugged me tightly, or at least tried to with the ropes on his hands. I glared at John, who quickly undid the ropes bounding Trevor's wrists. We hugged for a while, and Trevor whispered in my ear,

"I could never forget you, Sammy. I love you so much. I miss Mommy and Daddy." That made me cry even harder, and I clutched Trevor like a little rag doll. Eventually I released him, kissing his forehead.

"Trev, I'll love you forever and always, even when you forget me. Just always remember that." Trevor nodded somberly, and I gave him one last hug before they carted him off through a door and down a long hallway, to who knows where. I took a deep breath and turned to face my captors.

Author's Note:

Dramatic? ya? no? okay, sorry that this is boring I still haven't edited it and made it wattpad worthy, I'll do that tomorrow when I'm off of school (yay to Jewish holidays!!!)

So, please vote so that I can say "thanks for the vote of confidence, love!" sorry, I just love that! and comment and give me feedback and please just don't be a silent reader!!! Oh yeah, and read till you drop!

<3 When_Oceans_Rise_00

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