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I couldn't sleep. My mind kept wandering to different places, which isn't unusual for me. I kept tossing and turning and just couldn't seem to lie still.

Chloe hadn't noticed anything different at Costa, so why should I worry? Maybe it was just the fact that Chloe insisted on buying me an extra large Slushie, and I was all hyped up. Maybe.

I looked over at my bed side table at the clock. It read 1:19. I gave up trying to sleep, and grabbed my iPhone. As I clicked it on, the light blinded me, and I had to turn it down to the lowest setting. It was then that I noticed I had received a new message at 12:59.

Who would be texting me at the dead of the night?

Hey Lily. How are you? I know it's quite late but I figured that you wouldn't be able to sleep. Am I right? Chloe told me that something happened at dance today, you said it was cramp or something. I don't believe you! An amazing dancer like you doesn't get cramp. What really happened? Are you ok? I can't sleep either, so don't worry about waking me up.


I smiled. Apart from Chloe, Jack knows me better than anyone in the world. We've known each other since we were four. He came to watch me dance at the State Finals, and held my hand when I was nervous.

"You got this. Go and show them what a Lily Ross dance is." He whispered to me before I performed.

I came second.

I considered telling him what happened, but I decided not to.

Hi Jack. I'm fine thanks. Yes you're right, I am struggling to sleep! Honestly, nothing happened at dance today, it was just cramp, like Chloe said. Thanks for the concern, but I'm alright.


Almost immediately afterwards, a reply came through.

Lily, I know you all but too well. You can tell me anything.


He does know me too well. There was no point in avoiding telling him, I would at some point.

OK. You're right, it wasn't cramp. As we were leaving, I just had a moment. My head was really painful all of a sudden and I fell to the floor. I've never felt pain like it. But as soon as Chloe came running in, it stopped. It was almost like it never happened, but I know that it did. It's no big deal, it's over now.


I hesitated as I clicked send, but I did. I put my phone down immediately after, as I didn't want to read his reply.

I heard my phone buzz to life, but I ignored it, and fell into a deep sleep...

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