A different life

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I open my eyes to see a blurred vision of doctors wearing face masks crowding around me. I cannot seem to keep my eyes open so I close them to keep out the horrors surrounding me. I feel like my head is spinning around and around in circles, making me feel dizzy. I cannot stop the pain that is consuming my body.

What's happening to me?


"Lily. Lily. Lily, wake up." I abruptly open my eyes to see Jack and my parents smiling down at me. For the first time in weeks, I don't feel any pain. I feel...normal.

I sit bolt upright to see all of my family and friends smiling at me, still here. I grin as big as my face would allow. Suddenly, I am being embraced into a billion hugs all at once, and for the first time in days, I truly feel happy. But when somebody accidentally brushes my head, I grimace with pain. Everybody shrouds away to the corner of the room as I lie back down, clutching my head.

At that precise moment, a male doctor wearing a long, white coat strolled into the room. He tapped something out into the computer beside my bed, and I suddenly realise the tubes and wires connecting me to the monitor.

Once finished, he turns to the small group of people huddled in the corner and politely asks them to leave. Then, he turns his attention to me, Jack, my brother and my parents.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Winslow and I am one of the team monitoring Lily's progress. I am pleased to report that her surgery was a complete success and she is quickly recovering to full heath." He calmly informs us.

"I've had surgery?" I immediately respond.

"Yes. Don't you remember anything?" He asks with a puzzled expression.

I shake my head.

"What was wrong with me?" This question has been eating me up alive.

"I do not feel that it is my place to tell you Lily. I feel that it is best for everybody if you don't know." Doctor Winslow doesn't look me in the eyes as he says this.

I turn to Jack and my parents, "Well?" I ask.

They do the same thing Dr Winslow did.

"However, according to this, Lily is eligible to leave right now if you please." He enquires whilst pointing to the computer.

"But I've just had surgery?" I point out.

"Actually, no, you haven't. Your surgery was four days ago, you have been unconscious since. But that is completely normal, so nobody worried." He slowly addressed me.

Four days?  What?!?!

"We have been keeping a close eye on you whilst you were "sleeping", and you have been doing brilliantly!" Dr Winslow emphasises the word "sleeping".

"When may she leave?" My mother pipes up.

"Well, she may leave right now if you please, however, she will have to be in a wheelchair, and will be quite fragile for a long period of time, especially her ribs. Be aware when touching her that she may feel pain. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to come in. Or, if you prefer, she may remain in our care until in a better position." Doctor Winslow moves his gaze from my mother, my father, Jack and then me.

"I am positive that she will want to leave right now. Lily is a very strong fighter you know?" My father says this with such pride in his voice. "What do you think Lily?"

I am in pain whenever I am touched. Of course I don't want to leave! I can't let my parents down though, they're so proud of me.

"Ok." I said in nothing more than a whisper.

"Brilliant!" He begins to detach the wires from my body. "Whenever you decide to stand from your wheelchair, just be careful, okay?" He keeps his gaze on me.

I nod slightly. "What was the surgery on? My head?" I question him.

"We have done some minor things to your head, but that wasn't the main concern. Your rib cage had been sincerely injured, and you left it for quite for some time without telling anybody. The longer you left it, the worse it became." Doctor Winslow finished his job and stood up straight.

"How do you know that I knew something was wrong?" I respond.

"Did you?" He asks.

I decide to ignore his question. "Tell me what was wrong with me." I move my glare from each person to the next.

I see Dr Winslow give a silent sigh and I can tell he is hesitating.

"Please?" I'm to trying to crack him.

He gives Jack a little nod, who comes to sit next to me on the bed.

"Lily, you have had some injuries to your head for a while now. That is why you kept seeing darkness. But the actual pain you felt was not coming from your head but from your ribs. You injured them a long time ago and they kept getting worse and worse. Do you remember how?" Jack raises his eyebrows at me.

"No, I don't think so. The only bad thing that has happened to me recently must have been when I was at Cou..." I don't finish my sentence as I remember what happened.

I was at County Finals, and I was performing my new dance solo. It was all going so well, but then I remember falling. I had messed up a move and landed extremely hard on the floor. People came rushing over to help me, but I was determined to finish. My head was pounding and pain was consuming me, but I slowly stood up and finished the dance. By then the pain had stopped and I had forgotten all about it.

I'm in all this pain because of dancing. I feel this way because of dancing.

Dancing has ruined me.


I am sat in a comfortable wheelchair, moving around the hospital with Jack behind the handles. My family follow close behind.

We reach the two large double doors, acting as a gateway to freedom. As I'm being pushed through the doors, I'm blinded by the light. The fresh air is reassuring as I leave behind the hospital to lead a life without dancing.


A/N - Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been having difficulty with my Wattpad! (All fixed now:-)!) Sorry for the boring chapter, it will hopefully get more interesting soon!

Sorry as well if I got any of the medical stuff wrong, I don't know much about injuries!

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