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Matthew run around in the crowds and he stumbled on the feast table, attracting everyone's attention. Gyuvin quickly run to him and he helped him get up. Matthew's suit was all dirty. Some of the people laughed. Jiwoong saw that Matthew was turning red. He tried to go to him to help him, but someone was faster.

Hanbin covered Matthew with the white fabric sheet. Hao was wiping off the dirt on Matthew's face. "Are you okay?", Hanbin asked. Matthew slightly nodded.

"Let's get you change", Hao said as he and Hanbin took Matthew upstairs. Gyuvin tried to follow them but Ricky held his arm.

"He's in good hands, you don't need to follow him. Just stay here", he told him.

Jiwoong watched as the three disappeared in the stairways. He clenched his fist.

Why am I always late?


Hao told Hanbin to carry on the party on behalf of him while he was with Matthew.. So Hanbin left the two.

Matthew took a quick shower while Hao was searching a nice suit for him. He placed it on the bed.

Matthew wore the bathrobe as he exited from the bathroom. "Wear this, and you can have it too", Hao told him. Matthew looked at the suit. He could tell that it was branded and it looked expensive too. "But, it's so nice", he said. Hao smiled. "I know, that's why I'm giving it to you", he told him. "I'll sent someone to do you a make up. Come down when you're done", Hao added and he left the room.

A few seconds later, a lady walked in and put on some make up on Matthew. Matthew dressed himself in the suit, then he exited the room. All eyes were on Matthew as he walked down the stairs. It was undoubted that he looked like a prince. Hao told Hanbin to get Matthew.

Hanbin was walking towards Matthew when he tripped on someone's feet and he accidentally pushed the person that was, standing in front of him. That person knocked onto the next person in front of him and they stumbled on the floor..

Everyone gasped when they saw that a boy was kissing another boy and they were on the floor.

Jiwoong and Matthew widened their eyes when they realized their lips were touching each other. Jiwoong quickly got up as he cleared his throat. Gyuvin helped Matthew up from the floor. "You, why did you kiss me?", Matthew shouted at Jiwoong. "It was an accident", Jiwoong shouted back. Ricky and Gunwook were laughing as they toasted their wine glasses.

Matthew saw Hanbin shocked face. He was so embarrassed that it happened before his eyes. "I can't stay here longer", he told Gyuvin and he left. "Please tell Hao sunbae that we really have fun", Gyuvin told Jiwoong and he followed Matthew. The two took a cab to their residence.


"Didn't you see how he scared off the poor boy? But you're taking his side", Z crossed her arms. Yujin did the same.

"I'm sure it wasn't his intention. Jiwoong hyung can be scary sometimes, but he is not a bad guy", Yujin defended Jiwoong.

Seeing the two bickering, Hao walked towards them. "You two are grown up now, still you can't stop fighting on small things", he teased them. Z hugged Hao. "Hao gege, are you really going to leave? Who will take my side if you leave?", Z pouted.

"Hyung, can you really bear leaving us? Forget about us, but Hanbin, will you really leave him?", Yujin asked out of concern. Hao pat the two's hair.

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