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Gyuvin was arranging the flowers in the pot.. While Matthew cleaned the window. Their manager, Mr. Baek came. He noticed Matthew spacing out while he was doing his chores. He called for Gyuvin. "Is something wrong with him?", he asked. Gyuvin turned to look at his friend. He sighed as he walked towards him. "Matthew", he called. Matthew then snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yes, do you need something?"..

"No.Come here, take a seat"...

The friends sat down next to each other. "I'll be leaving, locked the shop when you finish with your works", their manager told them as he left.

" You seemed to be lost in thoughts. Is it about Jiwoong's confession? Why don't you just agree, I can tell he really likes you", Gyuvin told him. But that wasn't the case.

"Actually, it's not about Jiwoon hyung.. It's Hanbin hyung. Don't you think he's a bit different?", Matthew asked. Gyuvin shook his head.

"Isn't he always like that? I don't see any difference in him"...

"Really, but I think there's something wrong with him"...

Gyuvin sighed as he stood.

"You know what, let's just focus on tomorrow's function. If you are that curious, you can ask him tomorrow. And don't forget to reply Jiwoong hyung. He's a good guy", Gyuvin told him as he went back to his work.

Time skip~~

Gunwook and Jiwoong were a bit shock with Hanbin's change of personality. Usually, he was quiet, rarely talk with people and never looked at girls.. But he was there in the lounge with Ricky and some ladies. Even Ricky was shocked too. One of the ladies sat on Hanbin's laps as she flirted with him. Hanbin just let her, he didn't tried to shooed her away, in fact he smiled at her and even flirted back..

"Bro, are you really Hanbin?", Ricky asked in disbelief..

"Why? Can't I have some fun like you guys always does?", he asked back and Ricky shut his mouth. He couldn't believe that Hanbin just asked that..

"What is wrong with him? He's been acting so different since he return"... . Jiwoong was worried about Hanbin. Gunwook shook his head.

"It's like demon possessed his soul. He's not the Hanbin we knew. I even tried to contact Hao hyung, but he changed his number. I've asked Taerae hyung to asked Hao hyung about this", Gunwook told Jiwoong.

"By the way, has Matthew replied you?", Gunwook asked. Jiwoong shook his head.

"It's been a week now, I hope he'll made up his mind soon. He knows how much I'm serious about him, and I really hope he'd give us a chance"...


Gyuvin pov

We reached home, and I run upstairs straight to my room. I threw my bag on the bed as I hopped on it. I opened my drawer and took out the box..

I opened it and looked at the gift again. I had bought it a week ago, but I wasn't sure if I should give him or not. I knew there was no chance of him liking me, but since that day, when he helped me getting revenge on my ex, I had been thinking about him a lot. He was straight, while I wasn't, that was the biggest gab.. But.. still.. despite knowing that I still want to give it a try..

It's okay if he didn't like me back the way I like him, I'd be fine. At least I would hear it from his own mouth.. But I was a bit afraid that it might have affect our current relationship as friends.. .

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