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"I need to see him. Right. Now"..

"Until unless you end things with Kim Chaehyun, we won't let you"..

Taerae smirked at his elder brother. Jiwoong cursed.

"There's nothing between us. You know that"..

"Then what was the kiss about?", Yujin asked. He turned his head towards his side. "It meant nothing. She suddenly kiss me that's all. Please, let me meet him. Where's he?"..

Taerae sighed as he pointed the door. Jiwoong hastily walked towards the door and he opened it. He then saw Matthew, Gyuvin and Hao having tea.

Their eyes interlocked and there was guilt and longing in Jiwoong's eyes. "We'll wait outside", Hao said as he and Gyuvin left the room. Jiwoong closed the door as he walked towards Matthew.

"Please, let me explain"...

"I think we should stop", Matthew said.

"Wha.. What do you mean?", Jiwoong asked.

Matthew's eyes started to tear up. "Can't you see that you and I are impossible"...

"Matthew, I told you that I'm calling off the engagement. Please.. "...

"It's not about Chaehyun. It's about us, family. Your mother won't ever accept me. You have your own world, I have my own. I can't let my family suffer because of me. Please, let's just stop seeing each other. I.. I can't do this anymore"..

Jiwoong started to tear up too. He shook his head as he fisted his palm. He just kept silent, not knowing what to say.

"Besides, I can see that Chaehyun loves you. And your mother is fond of her. She's a better option"...


Matthew pov

I felt that I won't be able to attend the rest of the classes so I decided go home. Hanbin hyung offered me a ride home, but I refused as I knew he and Hao hyung had date after school.

I was at the bus stop when a motorbike stopped. "Need a ride?", the person asked as he slided up the shield of his helmet. Only then I knew who he was. "Yunseo, aren't you supposed to be at the school?"..

He threw me a spare helmet. I caught it. "Well, I don't like math", he said. I smiled. "Come on, I'll drop you home", he told me. I nodded as I wore the helmet. Then I hopped on his bike. "I didn't know you could drive a motorbike", I said. He started the engine and drove off.

"My boss own a luxury work shop. I can drive any motors. Motorcycles, cars, even trucks"..

"That is so cool"..

" So where? "..

I told him my address and he dropped me home. I thought that it'd be rude if I don't invite him at least for a tea. "Do you want to come in?", I asked. He shook his head.

"Maybe another day. I have an important thing to do. See you tomorrow", he said, and then drove away.


Jiwoong just sat on the couch with his elbow on the arm of the couch and his hand supporting his head. Ricky and Gunwook kept staring at him.

"Stop looking, or I'll pull out your eyes with my bare hands", he told them.

"Are you going to just sit still and don't do anything?", Ricky asked. Jiwoong looked at him.

"As if there's anything I can do. He chose to break up. I can't cling onto him like a desperate boyfriend", he said. Hanbin closed the book he was reading.

𝐅𝟒 ; 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒔 || 𝑍𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 // 𝔹𝕏𝔹 ||Where stories live. Discover now