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Another day bit the dust for me as I packed my wet over used basketball uniform in the laundry fetch placed right at the left side of the exit door of the locker room. I loved everything there was to playing that sport but I loved hanging out with my three best friends even more. Though,I never focused on admitting that to their face ,they caught the memo.
"So the locker room was full of sweaty boys...but no Kendrick" one of them began, joining me after just minutes of my living the room and within walking the school hall way. Ofcourse it was Mika.
"For the last time...he called in sick on Wednesday" I reminded her for the like ,the fifth time that day and every day since she first asked.
"But the dance is in seven days,chapa... seven" she freakishly emphasized and my face did it's best to show her that. How freaky she looked.
"So, don't go..." I said and she paused, stopping me along with her. School was over but I still kinda needed to make it out early. I was beat.
"So... don't... go?!" Mika exclaimed, lightly. Her powers where a perfect blossom of terro when she was mad so she tried her best to control it. Now ,if only I could do that. Control my temper.
"Bitch,Are you human?" She strongly asked and I smiled, placing my hand around her shoulders.
"The best I can be and it's all because..I don't care about the dance" I simply put, continuing our stroll out of the school and into the bus that pulled up at the station just around the same time.
"Kk don't wanna go or you won't go" Mika hinted, leading the way to our seats .
"Can I say both...I feel like I can say both " I said and she squealed. Beautiful.
"What ...did I say.." I breathed, sparking a little bit of my power in my fingers.
"No shrieking or you'll get to zapping" Mika replied, soothing me immediately. And that was why she was the bestest from the three. Either that or she was a girl who I could relate to on so many levels.
"But it sounds to me like you just need a date ." She perked up . I hated it when she did that. Her ideas always involved someone developing as a person and shit.
"Absofuckinglutely not.." I pronounced, proudly.
"Come's just a won't have to get into it" Mika persuaded.
"What if a boy asks you" she said and then we both looked at each other and laughed.
"Kk you were saying," I rested, wiping a tear from laughing . The bus came to a stop at her house and we immediately got off.
"Ok so maybe a boy doesn't necessarily have to ask you..but the other way around" she suggested. I gave her time to go over that sentence. We were not as innocent as we used to be so sexual puns came out easily in everything.
" we'll just sleep on it.. through our sleep over that I convinced your mom to let you come to" she paraphrased . She had all of that energy to talk, you'd think she could say something that relaxed me.
" know I hate sleepovers" I groaned, getting into her house after her.
"Yes..and school dances but look at you .. turning your life around" she smiled as we climbed the stairs. How I remained calm during this conversation forever remained a mystery.
"Ok so what are you gonna do.." I frustratingly asked her.
"Cause over my dead body,will I ever accept a boy's request to go to some stupid dance when I could be somewhere else doing my own shit" I explained.
"Ahhh do you know that friend Gavin, Kendrick's always talking about..." Mika printed with excitement, closing her bedroom door as soon as we stepped into the interior.
"No, no..Mika no" I pleaded.
"Yes,yes..chapa..yes.." Mika replaced.
"We are graduating so this is our last dance" she pressed on.
" And I should give a fuck now , because..." I traield.
"Agh because you are my girl best friend" Mika replied.
"I will not..spend the last happy moments of my highschool career without my girl best it" she scream shouted, making me jump in fear and give her a knod.
"Got it..ok..geesh" I said then that usual blast of sunshine invaded her once threatening face again for the billionth time that day,sorry..that hour. She was a very sparky person even with drugs , alcohol or my electric shocks.

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