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Mika Macklin was a burst of sunshine on a rainy. Or any kind of day. She was a whole thing. So when she had told that she and Kendrick had broken up on the same night Luca and I became official,It caught me by suprise. She also said that he initiated the break up, talking about how it'll be too far away from London to California. That he couldn't do a distance relationship.
"So he broke up with you" I surged through my hands , making the lights around us flicker as my bestie cried her eyes out ,her face buried into her pillow.
"Mika did something happen to the lights" her mom called from outside her room and Mika lifted her head then looked at me.
"Sorry ..." I whispered, using my powers to bring them back on.
"Oh thank's alright honey" her mom called out again as Mika sat straight up , guesturing me to sit next to her. I did.
"How could Kendrick just burry everything you've been through like that"  I asked.
"His making a life.. apparently...I'm not part of" she replied in a sob.
"Don't worry's just a dude.." I began.
"There's more where that came from" I advised.
"Yeah but just one of Kendrick " she sobbed, almost spilling into her tears.
"No ,no.. today we're doing something else" I said taking out two baseball jacket from USC. Mika's eyes beamer immediately, grabbing one.
"How did you get these" she asked.
"I received them when I got did you but I hid yours for this moment" I told her and she hugged the jacket in her arms tightly.
"Awwww bestie.." she cooed trying to hug me.
" hugging " I moved away from her then she gave me this little sad face like the ones in cartoons. Her big brown almost black eyes shining into the light in her room that I had just deem. Shit.
" Hhhuuhhhuh..fuck it.." I sighed and she moved closer and hugged the living life out of me.
"You have two more seconds to crash my pancreas..." I said ,counting the second in my head the tapping her back when they were over.
"So.. we're going over to check on our dorm, do a little redecorating" Mika listed. Now , that's my girl.
"Oohhh shouldn't we wait until graduation to like do that" I pinned.
" We could...but graduation is all the way till next week " Mika slowed it down for me.
"Kk yeah we're not waiting " I laughed.
"Miles.." we both screamed and miles teleported into the interior of the room with a sleeping mask on his face.
"This is a weekend. Please tell me you have a fucking good reason to scream my name like that" the dude stressed out. I didn't blame him. I also used to enjoy my weekends until Mika took that away and replaced it with what she deemed as 'much better ' than sleeping through it.
" Kk no dude I hate lying" I stepped back.
"What Chapa means to say is..we need you to teleport us into USC immediately " Mika said .
"Wow..that rhymed.." I pointed out, impressed.
"Really..are you sure, cause like I'm not even going to study music..." She started to brag and just when I thought she couldn't stop, Miles teleported us to where we needed to be.
"Kk I told you that would work" I said, earning a high five from her.
"You , ma'am are a genius " she complimented.
"Say that again, I didn't record it" I joked , taking out my phone and she rolled her eyes, looking into the surrounding we had just been teleported to.  Miles may not have been here but we both have so it was easy for his powers to take us into a more secure place. The sad part, that place was in the dirty closet in our dorm room which was,might I add ,owned by sweaty basketball players who clearly couldn't figure out the use of a washing machine.
"Now come on...we need to get to the administrator for the pamphlets" Mika alerted.
"You mean ,these pamphlets.." I said showing off the pamphlets in my hands.
" are in fire today"  Mika complimented.
"Hey, somebody's gotta carry the Mika Dom while you're healing " I said and she smiled , staring at me.
"What..." I asked then she hugged me on the spot.
"See this ....this is why most people think we're lesbian." I said. Just imagine the sight.
"Oh shush.. you know you love me " she smiled , opening the closet and going out before me. I didn't argue. The Love was definitely there.
"Eeeehhh how do I look" Mika squealed, putting on her baseball jacket.
"Like a bachelor in biological sciences" I responded, putting mine on.
"Oohhhh and hello Ms music engineer... ready to wrap up a smooth beat for me" Mika said, pointing at mine.
" I love that mine is silver and yours is red" she commented.
"I was very specific on that.. gotta get signature and this is a start" I told her, getting into the small living room.
"Woahhhww.." we both gasped.
"So we're starting with the rooms, right" I asked.
"Is that even a question..." Mika asked then I started running up the stairs soon after.
"Race you there." I screamed.
" Hey..wait for me" she yelled back and I did, feeling her super speed next to me. While Mika had developed the super power of being faster than sound, I had developed the one that makes me faster than lightning. It hasn't been determined who's the fastest but you know Mika had to turn it into some kind of competition. So we raced every chance we got but never got to the ultimate winner because we both would land on our butts by the time we reached a given destination.

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