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Mika and Chapa walked into the man's nest after school on Monday just as they did that Saturday but this time,they were in a whole different mood. Something opposite to angry or sad. Even chapa. I immediately guessed that their special time of the month was over as  I gathered up the mirrors that Ray had smashed all on the grounds that they made him look out of shape.
"Kk so he just asked you out, just like that" Mika began with a giggle, taking a seat after her.
"I really gotta meet this guy" she said, almost to herself.
"He can't wait either, especially after I told him that we'll be going as a double date " chapa supported. Another guy. Great.
"Sup ladies..." I came into their conversation because I couldn't resist.
"Here we go again.." Miles said then teleported right next to his sister. Smart choice at a wrong time, really.
"What are we so happy about..." I asked, snaking my arm behind chapa.
"We..?" Miles looked confused.
"Don't" Chapa deemed but as always, the girl she openly described as the best from the three of her best friends had to crack.
"A cute boy asked chapa out to the dance yesterday" Mika streamed without even stopping till the last sentence.
"Mika...!" Chapa scream shouted.
"Sorry, it's a condition.." Mika apologized. It sure was . Mika could never resist telling the truth just as much as she couldn't resist a competition ,good or bad.
"Another cute boy..." Miles stressed.
"I can't do this" he shook his head and teleported out of the man's nest to anywhere. Frankly, I wished I could too
"So this one's not an A hole" I decided to start up the conversation since neither of them looked like they wanted to.
"His really funny, loves animals and lives it simple. I like him" chapa smiled. Fuck , that meant she loved him. Chapa never just 'liked' shit.
"Ooh and his a college student" Mika cared to add on as if I needed the validation.
"Not yet,his interning" Chapa argued.
"Who the fûck interns for a college spot" I had to ask.
"Whoever the fûck asked you...his nice" Chapa replied.
"can't we just have that" she hypothetically asked.
"You know, I really don't wanna put the 'but' in 'but'.." Mika traced, finally. I knew she'd come around with a reason as why this was too wild or too dangerous or too much fun.
"Already have , continued" Chapa cut in.
"Buuuuuuutttt..Bose has a point " Mika sang .
"Don't you think it's kinda sus that this guy has to intern at a college.." she pointed out. I really didn't think I made sense back there but if she thought so,then yes I did.
"Nooo, I think it's kinda sus that you'd even care" Chapa declined.
"Dude we're going to the dance..and I can't believe I'm about to say this..." She started out, holding her chest.
"What's happening.." I leaned in towards Mika. Non of us had ever seen her gush over a stupid boy like that. Not even the one who worked at hip hop hurray.
"I think.. she's.. she's gushing.." Mika replied.
"Would you guys just quit it..I have feelings too" Chapa said then Mika took a picture of her immediately.
"Miles ain't gonna believe this.." she swirled. Hell,I didn't believe it and I was sitted right there.
" Guys,ok..this boy has helped me realize that this dance is also kind of a big deal to me too.." Chapa confessed after getting our attention then Mika's mouth opened into a wide smiley happy face. Chapa and I blocked our ears waiting for shout out to do her worst but the mirrors around the nest exploded instead, breaking into a million trillion an countable pieces on the floor.
" shout out frequency " Mika apologized, closing her mouth. I didn't even hear her make a sound at all and judging from the look on Chapa' s face, neither did she.
"Ok that screaming..won't get me to zapping" she cheered on in a calm manner as the girl parallel to us smiled in relief.

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