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If the saying is 'love will find a way' then time should mend the steps. It should heal what had been so long buried under many many acres of forgotten land and tress. Time should merge the old and the new into the after math of a sequence,if there is any.
Honestly,that is all that it should be when. Such an acclimation is made for the entire known existence to follow.
"Don't start..." I warned her , getting back to my grand staff on the phone. Mika had just finished her first ever illustration of what an actual structure of human DNA would look like because to her,time was an escuse to duplicate single events over and over again through living organisms such as people.
Not that I doubted her philosophy of deranged scientist but she needed a chill pill. There was no one on this planet that could do and had already done the things that I did. I believed that I was unique in time and that no matter how wide it stretched,that substance could never contain me. It was why I loved music. Music told stories of the heart in a way not so similar to what time and what people had done to it,could tell.
"Maybe If you spend less time thinking about it instead of doing wouldn't be as awkward" she suggested. I literally told her that the conversation was now useless to me but ,we all know Mika.
"Please..educate me" I smiled, sarcastically and she looked at me. Her face wore a blank expression even while walking over to my side of the  room. She put her project on hold. I sensed a speech coming along.
"Lula Elena chapa de Silva" and there it was.
"You can't just burry things like they never existed..Bose was a part of your life that you need to come to terms with" she spoke, her body fully compressed onto my bed. She was heavier than me, obviously. So I wondered why she couldn't stuff some of that weight into her empty head.
" You say 'like' like he actually did" I carefully placed,air quoting the word 'like' and getting off the bed and heading downstairs.
"He wants to see you for a reason...give him a chance" Mika advised while following me.
"A chance to what ... exactly " I hypothetically asked.
"Bose and I will never go back to being friends because we never were even like that when I thought we were..." I said then confused myself in the process. Nevertheless, I knew exactly what I meant and so did Mika because she sighed even as she put out two plates on the counter in  the kitchen. She knew the story all too well to even advise me to consider it.
"The spaghetti or the macaroni" she asked.
"Bring on the Roni pony" I cheered, sparking up my red electric powers on a light note.
The pot on the stove contained water that we had set to boil five minutes earlier and was now ready to do it's magic with the macaroni she had set install. I followed her actions, sitting besides her on the counter while staring at my phone as she stared at her. A brown chocolate coated layer beautifully colored her skin and matched an even darker shade of it in her eyes and even ,hair. My best friend was amazing at what she did and at times , almost to amazing. But I just couldn't take that hit again. She knew that I couldn't.
"Ignoring it has affected you way more than it has affected him..." She spoke up out of nowhere then got up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me on a mental cliff hanger. Why on earth would protecting my own peace affect me way more than it would affect him.
"Yes... positively. I'm living life how I should have lived without ever knowing he existed" I added, following her into the next room.
"And for that...your powers surge have been going on and off unpredictably" Mika said.
"They just need time to adjust" I defended.
"It's been a whole year,chapa.." she contradicted.
"And I'm prepared for it to take even longer than that if that's what you mean" I gave her a nod.
"So you're willing to lose a part of yourself for as long as possible all on the grounds that he wasn't who he said he was" Mika asked and I tweaked my eye brows, gladly.
"I know he fucked up and he shouldn't have " she began, finally seeing things from my perspective.
"But you can't draw that conclusion all on that ... He meant something to you..he made you better..." She tried to continue.
"He lied to me...!!!!!" I exclaimed, angrily and sparked electricity all over the house which made the lights go on and off.
" Let ...him.... explain" Mika emphasized, standing her ground despite the shock of electricity I had processed into her. I could definitely see why. With that,she got up , taking her phone with her and started back to the kitchen, probably to check on the macaroni.

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