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Yes, the days were moving and getting closer and closer to the swellview highschool dance but still,I wasn't worried. Thanks to Mika,I had someone to go with even though I wished I didn't go, this made my best friend happy. So it made me happy just thinking about it.
"Mika ,salt me.." I said , stretching my open palm out to her.
"Chapa...salted" she replaced and gave me what I had asked for. With the weekend being the only thing standing in between us and the school dance three days after that, Mika and I had decided to go on a double date so we could get to know Kendrick's friend better. Yes,I said we because I'd never in any type of way ever agree to go on a date alone with a dude I just met.
"So, chapa.. you got accepted into USC. That's cool" Kendrick began.
"Ahh yeah.. musical Arts and production. " I replied.
"That's so cool.." this guy,Gaving expressed but took a pause when someone, boy our age or even a bit older,bumped into him as he walked by.
"Oh my God..I am so sorry.." he apologized, immediately after. I believed him. He didn't look like he had done it on purpose but Gavin thought different.
"Yeah you will be..look at what you did to my shirt" Gavin repelled. I rolled my eyes and sighed at the total pettiness. It was bearly a smudge.
"I am really sorry.." the dude apologized again. Dear Gavin got on his feet and stood toe to toe with the stranger ,ready to fight when I got in between them.
"Gavin, that's enough ok...he didn't mean it" I said, blocking him access to the guy.
"Stay out of this's non of your business" Gavin told me. The actual balls on his dick must have been weighing down his brain cells cause he wasn't using them too well for him to have to say that to me.
"Well,you know what is ...this stupid dance..which you are not going to with me" I yelled,almost sparking up my powers.
"It's ok ," the stranger said under his breath. Something in the way he said that reminded me of someone. I Just couldn't place my finger on it who.
" Are you ok.." I turned around to face him and he gave me node,smiled slightly then continued on his way.
"That's a lot of nerve from someone practically begging for a date.." Gavin began when I went back to take my sit. My next instinct was to get up and show him what's what but Mika had other plans. Pulling my shoulder down before I could fully get up,she tapped it then gave me a smile.
"I think she already told you ...that you're no longer going." She slurred.
"Why don't you stay in your side of the cubical,girly" he smirked at her.
"Say that again " Kendrick arched , getting up to a height taller than him. Gavin took a few steps back and left hip hop hurray with no hesitation.
"Are you girls okay" Kendrick asked us both.
"Yes Kendrick,thank you" we replied in unison then he smiled , his Colgate white teeth beaming our way.
"Hhhuuhhhuh" we sighed , thoughtfully while gazing at him.
"Sorry about Gavin..I should have mentioned his an ass" he said, taking a sit once again.
"It's alright dude..." I replied, casually when really,I was very mad. I was very fucking mad. Now I had to find a date to the dance in no less than four days or forget making that moment with Mika.

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