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The missing necklace never really left my mind and so I never stopped looking in all the places it could have been. But most importantly,I never stopped looking at Chapa. Everyday I'd see her with it and everyday I'd give my self reason to think it was the one. She was the one. I'd sometimes, even have dreams of me giving it to her , kissing her and all the things I'd never have the guts to do to her when I was awake. The answer was so close . So real. Fuck. I could feel it.
" Dude.. you've been staring at Chapa like crazy..I thought you were over her" Miles whispered as I kept my eyes locked on the brunette leaving our nest with Mika.
"I'm trying to,dude.. there's something about her that I just can't shake off" I replied, sitting up. Miles leaned in to take a closer look at me.
" Is it about that night" he asked, finally.
"No, Miles..that happened once  a year ago ..." I declined then he gave me a serious face that caused me to relax at the thought.
"Fine.. maybe..a little bit of that" I replied.
"Bro, you know you can't be hang up on her... she's with someone now " he reminded.
"I'd like to meet this someone " I mumbled.
"Well,you can.." Miles began.
"I just... I have been having these really weird dreams" I began, shaking my head.
"Ok.. describe one dream.." he said and I almost replied when shwoz came in from the classroom side of the man's nest with some kind of detector in his hand.
"Hey shwoz..what's..." Miles was about to greet when the little man walked passed him, waving the device all over his body.
"Ummm shwoz" I tried to say as he now stood near me doing the same thing.
" need open your eyes" he said, talking to me while looking at something on the device.
" But his eyes are already..." Miles started but he was already pointing the thing in my face. A beam of green light sparked up and flashed into my eyes and I fell back ,from the light.
"Shwoz is that safe" he asked then shwoz started to Chuckle a little.
"Shwoz..." We both called and he gave up , guesturing both of us closer to him.
" I have been detecting a new burst of power energy source from either of you and I just wanted to check which one" he explained.
"Don't you think we'd know if that was happening." I asked.
"No, it's more of in the mind and so I had to be sure " shwoz replied.
"And I have detected the power source from you , Bose " he said, looking at me.
"What..." I arched, shaking my head.
"You have been developing the ability to release versions of yourself based on how certain people see you.. especially people that know you" he explained.
"And you know this because." Miles asked.
"The mind scanner.." he said, lifting his device with a proud smile.
"I created it to detect what happens when someone else dreams but needed to research more when it started turning red whenever you were in the man's nest" He cleared up.
"What's that thing you said about your dreams" Miles asked.
"Oh you think..." I traield and miles shrugged.
"Might as well check it out.." he said.
"How does this power work" I asked.
"Just think long and hard about something or someone and focus you telekinetic energy on that will release the kind of person they see you to be" shwoz said.
"Kk do not do that with Ray...kk just Incase" he laughed.
"His right,try it with me" miles said and I did just as shwoz had instructed, feeling something move inside of me. I opened my eyes , giving up.
"Dude.." I heard miles , pointing at someone besides me. I looked closely and there he was. An exact replica of me. He looked just like me but something with him just didn't seem complete. It feel right.
"And each version has a different name.." shwoz said.
"Kk hey, dude.." miles greeted the version.
"Sup..I'm Mace..coronel" the version of me said.
"You think my name is mace " I asked.
"No , Miles just thinks you look like a mace coronel Kind of guy" shwoz replied but my dear friend miles was still looking at my version.

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