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flinging her bedroom door open, y/n walks downstairs and enters the kitchen where she sees a tray of freshly made chard sitting on the oven

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flinging her bedroom door open, y/n walks downstairs and enters the kitchen where she sees a tray of freshly made chard sitting on the oven. her stomach churned at the sight and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when seeing the sight. she was expecting...more, something more delicious and not just a vat of vegetables for dinner.

still, y/n still knew it was better than nothing and soon walked past her parents to the counter, leaned down and grabbed a plate from one of the cabinets below. sadly though, just as the teeth grabbed a ladle to dish herself a serving, her mom suddenly spoke up after clearing her throat, "so, y/n..." she started, not only promoting the girl to freeze but her husband to stop eating as well. "you mind telling me and your father just what you were doing on the back of a boy's bike today?"

"say what?" her father looked up from his plate, despite his mouth being full.

before y/n could formulate a response and get a word in, her mother continued, her tone tinged with accusation. "i saw you riding home with wybie earlier today, and i must say, it's quite unexpected," she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. if there was going on between them, she wanted to hear about it. so, the older woman felt compelled to ask: "tell me, and be honest, are you two more than just friends?"

y/n's eyes widened as she struggled to find the right words. not to mention a ball of anger was bubbling inside her from her parents butting into her personal life, she hated it. "mom, it's not what you think," she began, but her mother, fueled by assumption, interrupted with a disapproving glare.

"i can't believe you didn't tell us about this. what kind of friendship involves riding on the back of a boy's bike?" her mother scolded, a touch of disappointment in her voice. she clearly wasn't bothering to see her daughter's perspective on it and thus made herself close-minded. y/n clenched her jaw. he was only being nice. her mom doesn't know a thing.

dad chimed in, his confusion evident. "wybie? isn't that the landlady's nephew?" he questioned, looking between the two who nodded. "oh so that's the boy you've been spending time with?" has her mom gossiped to her father about all the times she's seen her gone to hangout with wybie? but then again, it's not like y/n had a choice in the matter. there were very few choices here. it was either him, the actresses downstairs, or mr. b who y/n's mother kept calling him drunk whenever she could.

y/n sighed, attempting to clarify the situation. "mom, dad, wybie and i are just friends. he offered me a ride since he felt bad that i walked all the way to his grandma's house since i wanted to talk with him. that's it." she explained. though, she was unsure if it helped elevate any of the tension that was already suffocating the room.

unfortunately, her mother, fueled by her assumptions, dismissed y/n's explanation and rolled her eyes. "just friends, huh? i've seen enough movies to know how these things go. don't you forget i was your age once, too." y/n didn't say that she wasn't, all she wanted was for them to get off her back and not be so nosy all the damn time. she didn't know how much more of this she could take!

dad, still trying to make sense of the situation, spoke up once more when there was a pause between the pair, "well, you still should have told us about it sooner. i mean, riding on a boy's bike is not something we expect from you." he admitted, laughing as he poked around on the food on his plate.

"what the fuck?" y/n suddenly blurted out before she could stop herself. "and what exactly do you mean by that?" she raised her voice, setting down the plate on the counter, suddenly losing her appetite in the process.

"y/n! watch your language. we won't tolerate that kind of behavior in this house." her mother gasped. that was ironic, her parents can curse like sailors all they wanted but as soon as y/n lets one measly curse slip whilst in their presence, suddenly she's the bad guy?

before the family knew it, y/n and her mother began going at it, screaming at each other, even going so far as digging up old drama from the past just to slap it in the other's face for one epic fight—her mother had gotten out of her seat, so she can be standing up as she pointed an accusatory finger at her daughter, assuming the worst was happening between her and wybie despite their relationship being purely platonic whilst y/n's father remained sitting, awkwardly watching them.

sooner than expected, however, the argument reached its final climax, and in an attempt to restore order, her mother delivered a stern ultimatum, saying, "that's enough! go to your room. we'll discuss this later."

groaning in frustration, y/n stormed out of the kitchen, her father still sitting silently at the table. up the stairs, she went, slamming her bedroom door shut. alone in her room, she fumed, pacing back and forth. she couldn't believe this. it's not her fault that it's been one thing after another with her parents and this most recent fight of theirs was just the tip of the iceberg.

"fuck..." y/n sat on her bed and, not knowing what else to do, began illustrating her thoughts out loud. "i wish i could just swap families sometimes," she said to her audience of one: her little doll. "but i guess that's a bit selfish for me to say." as she suddenly went quiet, y/n could just barely overhear the muffled sounds of her parents' continued discussion echoed from downstairs, but y/n tried her best to block them out.

resigned to the idea that sleep was her only escape from this heated confrontation, she allowed the rest of her body to fall on the mattress below her, burying her face in the pillow.

since she had officially been sent to her room without dinner, then she might as well try to sleep.

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