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y/n twisted and turned—she didn't know what was making the high-pitched noise, but it better stop soon since they were beginning to interfere with her sleep. she kept her eyes closed, not bothering to try and figure what was going on, but this only proved to be a mistake to her when the unknown source continued. she groaned and then lifted her pillow, placed her head down on the mattress, and dropped the pillow of her in hopes to drown out the noise.

that's when she heard the sound of pattering feet. y/n abruptly sits up, wide awake. she spends a moment wiping the crust away from her eyes before realizing that something chitters under her bed. "what the..." she tiredly says to herself before leaning over her bedside, head first, peering underneath when a ghost-pale kangaroo mouse jumps out and bounds out the door, which was now suddenly ajar.

y/n had to suppress a scream when the rodent got close to her face but after letting out a small sigh, she calmed down. while the pink palace is old and it's only natural for rats to be lurking around, she wasn't expecting such an adorable-looking mouse to be found in this muck of a place... and she also wondered how it got in her room.

what—did the mouse suddenly have super strength and somehow used all its might to crack open her closed door just a smidge? she doubted that's how it went down, no matter how amusing it was to imagine it.

having nothing else better to do and because y/n knew that she was going to have issues falling asleep, she bolted out of her bedroom and pursued the mouse given its brightly colored coat, it was easy to spot it in the middle of the hallway, sitting. was it waiting for her?

as soon as she got near it, it continued to run away from her and so, y/n gave chase, down the upper hall, down the stairs, snapped on the lower hall light, and saw it hop into the living room. she, too, enters and when she does, the mouse edges out from beneath the sofa, then makes a beeline frantically toward a small door that y/n found when her family first moved in, it was found directly behind the wallpaper!

confused since she knew the only thing awaiting the mouse on the other side was a wall of bricks, y/n slowly walked toward the mini door and crouched, grabbing the door's edge and pulling it open. but instead of a brick wall, there is a dark, expanding tunnel, which soon lit up in colorful blues, pinks, and purples, illuminating the way for its welcomed guest where she sees the hopping mouse heading towards a bluish light at the far end.

"whoa..." y/n catches her breath, pulls the door wider, and crawls through, all the while admiring the pretty lights above her until she reaches the other side of the tunnel, only to step out through the same little door, into what looks like the same living room she just left moments prior, only something is different—it feels deeper, more dimensional in a way.

that and something feels off. wrong. her gut was trying to tell her something but, at the moment, y/n can't quite put her finger on it. she'll just have to sort it out later, she supposed.

🧵 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒎 𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒐̈𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now