Episode 1: The Greatest Kingdom!

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Last time On Saiyan and The Rose, our heroes managed to bring to mother of Ruby, Summer Rose back to life! The group also "Borrowed" A ship to get to Atlas.

 Our heroes also discovered that Salem is immortal and cannot be killed by conventional means. It is said however that a hero with God Ki will come and save her from her inner darkness. 

Being the only lead they had the group found out about the Super Saiyan God ritual and decided to put that in their back pocket for later.

Now our group of heroes came to Atlas with the intention of hiding the Lamp of knowledge there. 

Meanwhile the villians are also planning to make a move there as well. 

What will happen? Find out now!

Son Y/n watches the night sky as the group approaches the giant flying island city with a normal dull City below it, Atlas. The Saiyan took note in the amount of ships surrounding the area.

Y/n: Ironwood seems to be on high alert.

Maria and Summer sit in the cockpit and except a transmission from An Atlas pilot directive.

Atlas woman: Manta 419, welcome home. Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay omega-12. A security team will meet you there over.

Ruby: I don't understand, what's happening here?

Summer: I don't know sweety.

Jaune: But we are here, we got the lamp to Atlas so I guess we land and get some answers?

Weiss: I'm not so sure. I have never seen our forces deployed so aggressively. If we land in a stolen ship there is no way a security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. They may even try to take me back to my father.

Articho put a firm hand on Weiss's Shoulder.

Articho: They so much as touch I will rip them in half.

Cloud: So do we have a plan?

Weiss: Winter! Maria, Mrs. rose put some distance between us and the Fleet.

Maria: You don't have to tell me twice.

Maria put on the gas and headed to the city.

As they enter the group looks to see Ironwood on a hologram, now sporting a beard and tired eyes.

Yang: General Ironwood, he looks-

Sans: Tired, man hasn't probably had a good sleep in days.

Summer: James, what have you been doing?

Weiss looks over to see citizens moving out of the way of the droids and little kids throwing a rock at a drone.

Weiss: This isn't right.

Articho: This is worse than most places Frieza conquered.

The Atlas Radio went off noting our heroes change in position.

Maria: We are running out of time here kids.

Alex: We need to ditch the ship.

Qrow: Agreed we lay low in Mantle for a couple of days.

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