For reasons unknown, Godzilla has betrayed the people of the "Pacific Rim" universe, after living in their realm for 10 straight years. Marshal Stacker Pentecost and his son, Jake, can only rely on the Gladiator of Gallifrey to discover a way of des...
Before leaving behind his adventures in the Infinite DC years ago, Alan's phone was upgraded to a "superphone" by Sonia, so that they could have the privilege of communicating between dimensions. It was a useful feature that allowed him to talk to his mother whenever she (or he) was available. Right now, he figured on using it to call Erica, who he assumed had finally returned home after a long night of patrolling the streets of Gotham.
Unfortunately, his call went straight to voicemail.
"Where the hell are you, babe?" he muttered in frustration.
"Did you say something, dear?" He heard Suri's voice nearby without even realizing that he wandered aimlessly into the TARDIS console room. He grew up aboard that ship and knew every end of it – an impressive feat considering how much bigger it really was on the inside.
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The only thing that had changed was the pilot, who Alan found at the central console. Her back was facing him, occupied with the controls and the readout on the overhanging monitor. Initially, Alan didn't suspect that it was Suri. The woman at the controls was dressed like a biker chick – black leather jacket, black skintight pants, and black boots. It was a stark contrast to the festive apparel she wore upon her initial visit to Wayne Manor and the pink, oversized shirt she wore earlier.
"Whoa," Alan uttered in amazement. "I didn't figure this version of you was so...hardcore."
Suri turned away from the console to inquiringly look at him; in doing so, Alan got to see another article from her attire – a black-and-white-striped crop top. "What do you mean, dear?" Her maternal address sort of juxtaposed with the look, reminding Alan of the kind-hearted individual behind it.
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"Nothing," he dismissed, approaching her with his superphone. "I still haven't been able to reach Erica."
"Maybe she put her phone on silent, so it wouldn't give her away to the criminals," Suri surmised. "Did you leave her a voicemail?"
"Several," Alan worriedly replied, staring at his phone in his trembling hands. Suri placed her steady hands comfortingly over them. Looking away from his phone, Alan saw her tender brown eyes and instantly felt calm. He wasn't sure what sort of mental Time Lord method she was doing to him; it could've just been the way this incarnation naturally soothed the edgiest of souls with her warm character. Not since the original incarnation of his mother had he felt such wonderful nurturing.