Part Four

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As fun as it was for A.J. to hang out with the Minions, he got a little bored on playing UNO with them. Kevin, Stuart, and Bob had no idea how the game even worked, which left A.J. sitting in the TARDIS console room and watching Kevin and Stuart bicker in their weird language while Bob kept piling on cards, which was the opposite of a win in the game of UNO.

In a huff, A.J. stood up and grabbed his snow jacket, heading outside.

Kevin, Stuart, and Bob didn't even notice his departure.

A.J. wandered several feet from his grandmother's TARDIS, believing he was still on the Wayne Manor grounds. To his surprise, he was in the middle of a seemingly endless frozen tundra that his 8-year-old mind believed could be only one place...

"The North Pole!"

And, following on that belief, he continued on his path at an exuberant pace – his destination: Santa's Workshop.

            And, following on that belief, he continued on his path at an exuberant pace – his destination: Santa's Workshop

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Two Godzillas.

It had to be the result of a dimensional rift, presumably the same one that brought Agent Lazuardy to the present dimension.

"One of them's the culprit of the attack in New York," Suri gathered.

She watched along with Lazuardy, Goku, and Alan as the two Godzillas battled, one of them swinging its tail at the head of the other, knocking him down with an earthquaking thud. Suri and the three men were knocked off their feet momentarily. When they got back up, Alan shouted, "We need to get the hell up outta here before they crush us!"

"Not 'til we notified the Marshal about what we found!" Suri denied, prior to taking out her phone and dialing the contact number she still kept to the New York Shatterdome. "Stacker! It's Neas!"

"Where are you?!" Pentecost roared over the phone. "You, your son, and your friends disappeared on us! We thought you lot went missing!"

"We're in Iceland," Suri told him.


"And we've found Godzilla...two Godzillas!"

"WHAT?!?!" There was as much surprised in his voice as there was fury to this news. "I can be angry about you going off on an unsanctioned investigation later. For now, try to stay alive. I'm sending a Jaeger team to assist."

Another massive tremor generated from one of the collapsed Godzillas altered the very topography around them, raising the ice and earth beneath their feet into a massive peak. Suri and the men tumbled down the slope, stopping at the base. As they all recovered, they heard the cries of a small child close by. "Oh, god! A.J.!" Alan screamed, spotting his son, who stood out in midst of the chaotic scene, tears streaming down his frightened eyes.

Infinite DC: Godzilla Vs GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now