Part Five

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Heavily sedated, the Godzilla that was designated as the "Tatopoulos Godzilla" (or "Nick's Godzilla") was airlifted directly to the New York Shatterdome. Alan, having arrived there long before then, watched in despondence as the slumbering behemoth was lowered into a fortified pen reserved for the observation (and later extermination) of Kaiju just like it.

The despondent Alan was soon joined by Willys and Goku. "Hangin' in there, son?" the former asked him.

"I'm tryin' to," Alan huffed. "I just don't understand where Mama and A.J. could be...or whether or not I'll even see them again."

"Hey, don't give up so fast, Alan," Goku encouraged. "Miracles can happen, and I know one will happen for you, if you believe enough. And I believe your mom and little boy are still out there."

Alan glimpsed at the Saiyan hero, seeing how he gave a wink and a thumb's up with his words of encouragement. "Thanks, Goku."

"I know this isn't exactly the right time to mention this," Willys hesitated for a moment, "but you said that Suri is your mother...and also an alien who's lived for over a thousand years, correct?"

Alan nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

"Do you suppose I still have a chance with her?" Willys asked.

His very forward inquiry took even Goku by surprise. "Dude! Seriously?!"

"Your timing couldn't be worse, man," the offended Alan scolded Willys.

Before Willys could offer an apology, Jake suddenly approached the three men with news. "Dad's ordered for a team to investigate the nest in Madison Square Garden," he informed. "I'll be takin' lead on it with Dr. Tatopoulos and a few armed soldiers. You boys are welcome to come along if..."

"Hell yeah!" Alan immediately volunteered.

"Now, wait a sec, son..." Willys protested.

"I ain't your son," Alan rebuffed. "So don't try to talk me out of goin'."

Willys saw the stoicism in the young man's face. He could see how little regard he had for his own life, truly believing he had lost everything and everyone he cared about. "Alright, Alan," Willys consented. "But Goku and I are going with you."


"Satoshi..." Suri mused on the name of her father's ninth incarnation, who walked side-to-side with her and A.J. along the streets of 1947 Tokyo.

"Mm-hmm," Satoshi murmured with pride. "I've been rockin' this regeneration for awhile now, keeping a close eye on rifts like the major one that opened in this specific dimension...and a specific Godzilla that may or may not have come through it. This realm is one of many that has its own Godzilla... one of the more dangerous variants of him."

"This can't be coincidence," Suri noted.

"What can't be?" Satoshi asked.

"A.J. and I came from another realm that has two Godzillas right now. One of them must have come from this dimension."

Their discussion was disrupted just as every single denizen of the Tokyo-based city suddenly flew into panic, fleeing all around Suri, Satoshi, and A.J. The three travelers wondered what could have caused the mass hysteria, just as a nearby building exploded. Beyond the explosion emerged Godzilla – the one native to 1947 Tokyo.

"Well, there goes my theory," Suri frowned.

The two Time Ladies bravely shielded A.J. from the approaching Godzilla, who continued its rampage through the city block, stomping on innocent bystanders and shrilling into the heavens with ferocity.

However, those shrills were silenced at the moment that another and much bigger Godzilla materialized behind the native one.

This new Godzilla chomped at the native's neck, decapitating it instantly.

Suri looked on the carnage in total disbelief, whereas Satoshi was undeterred.

"That's the Godzilla I followed through the rift," she indicated of the newly-emerged variant.

            "That's the Godzilla I followed through the rift," she indicated of the newly-emerged variant

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Infinite DC: Godzilla Vs GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now