For reasons unknown, Godzilla has betrayed the people of the "Pacific Rim" universe, after living in their realm for 10 straight years. Marshal Stacker Pentecost and his son, Jake, can only rely on the Gladiator of Gallifrey to discover a way of des...
The fourth one that Suri had seen within the last twenty-four hours.
And this one just decimated the one dominant of the 1947 Tokyo dimension, before proceeding to tear through the city on its own.
Suri heard A.J. crying behind her; she took him into her arms and gingerly said, "It's O.K. It's O.K. It's O.K." She wasn't entirely sure herself that it would be. This Godzilla was different than the others she encountered. It was more vicious, more destructive, and capable of traveling through interdimensional rifts.
"Quick! Follow me!" Satoshi instructed her, and Suri followed.
She followed Satoshi to the Type-X TARDIS parked in the alley.
That beautiful white orb of a spaceship was a sight for sore eyes – and the only way Suri and A.J. had out of 1947 Tokyo. They made it to the ship not a moment too soon, as the new Godzilla began to charge up its heat ray – the spikes on its back irradiating blue energy.
Suri, Satoshi, and A.J. were just about to board the TARDIS until Suri looked to the other end of the alley and saw a couple – a man with a bandaged head and a drenched woman – staring in wide-eyed fear at the charging Godzilla. While most of all the other denizens had fled from the scene, they were the only two still standing in the danger zone.
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Not wishing to leave them to their imminent doom, Suri cried out, "Tada soko ni tatsu te iru dake de wa ike masen! Issho ni rai te kudasai!" ("Don't just stand there! Come with us!")
There was a bit of hesitation for the couple to move on Suri's invitation.
Suri understood. She was asking them to follow her on faith...but to where? There was no hiding from the destruction of Godzilla – any Godzilla.
Nonetheless, the female of the couple accepted whatever chance they might've had to live. "Kōichi," she urged her partner, who remained frozen, staring on the glowing Godzilla. "KŌICHI!!!" Her shrilling tone snapped the man out of it. He looked at her and then towards Suri, Satoshi, A.J., and the unusual white orb standing behind them.
Finally, his feet moved in correspondence with his partner's, both of them running to join Suri, Satoshi, and A.J. as they all clambered inside the TARDIS – right at the moment Godzilla unleashed its devastating ray, rendering everything within radius – people and buildings alike – to ash.
Kōichi was daunted by the sudden shift in dimensional space as he stumbled into the TARDIS with his partner. He screamed, "Kore wa nani desu ka?! Kore wa nani no kyouki desu ka ?" ("What is this?! What is this madness?!")
Satoshi, seeing how frightened both Kōichi and his partner were, immediately rushed to them and reassured, "Anata tachi wa ryouhou tomo anzen desu. Nani mo osoreru koto wa ari masen." ("You're both safe. There's nothing to be afraid of.")