Double Trouble

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[Author’s notes: warning minor smut]

Candice’s POV
We pull into my parking spot and head upstairs. The babies slept the whole ride home, so we made sure to be really quiet, bringing them upstairs. We made it to the door, and it was time to start our life as a family of 4.

G: “here we go” Grant opens the door, and we walk in. C: “welcome home bubbas” we walk around the house and show them their room, which they won’t be sleeping in anytime soon, plus it wasn’t much because of the apartment's decor rule. I can’t wait to decorate the one in L.A. though.

We walk into our room and see the bassinet our parents set up and all the baby stuff they bought that we will organize later. We walk around some more before finally crashing on the couch. C: “it feels so real now” G: “I know, they seem to like the place” C: “babe they are literally sleeping” G: “well sleeping is better than crying” C: “your ri-” both babies start crying and I give Grant a side eye. C: “and I was just about to give you props” G: “I guess I spoke too soon” C: “they’re probably hungry can you go get me two burping cloths” G: “on it” I take both babies and Grant runs upstairs to our room. He comes back down, and I start feeding the babies. It’s so weird that I have 2 babies nursing at the same time, but I kinda got used to it. I’m gonna start pumping on monday because next week we go back to work and I won’t be able to breastfeed them all the time and also it will help me get more sleep because G can help feed the babies at night as well.

G: “you know I was watching a video and I heard that breast milk taste really good” C: “What are you saying, you tryna try some” G: “I mean if you let me” C: “well how are you gonna try it I’m not gonna start pumping until tomorrow” G: “well you could just let me you know” He looks down at my breasts. C: “boy please, if I let you do that your gonna want to have sex and you know you have to wait 5 ½ more weeks before you can do that” G: “I promise I’ll behave” he pouts his lips a little. C: “well if you promise, maybe after we put the twins back to sleep” G: “deal”

Grant’s POV
We head upstairs and put the twins in their bassinets. and sit on the bed. C took her shirt back off and unclasped her bra, and all I wanna do is please her because she just looks so sexy, but I promised her I would keep it together so that’s what I will try to do.

C: “Are you sure you can control yourself, because you have been staring at my chest since I took my shirt off” G: “yeah I’m good I am just eager to try” I hive her an innocent smile, and she rolls her eyes. C: “if you say so” I go over and start to suck on her breast. It really did taste good, but I could feel myself already getting aroused. C: “how is it” G: “really good, but I think I have to try the other one to make it even” I go to the other one and suck on it, next thing I know I was massaging the other one and laying C back on the pillow.

I soon move my lips to her neck and put my other hand on her free breast and start to massage it as I start to give her a hickey. I heard her moan softly before she started whispering to me because the babies were sleeping. C: “baby you promised” G: “I’m sorry you’re just so fine I can’t contain myself” I move my hand and suck on her neck a little longer before I start to make out with her, I slip my tongue in her mouth so she could get a little taste. G: “it tastes good doesn’t it” C: “mhhm” I move my way back to her neck to find her sweet spot and I hear her moan again as she puts her hand on my head. C: “baby you know we can’t” G: “I know, but they never said I couldn’t touch all over your body” I start to kiss her chest and stomach, then I slowly pull down her sweats. I kiss her thighs all the way back up to her neck. As she is softly moaning, biting her hand, trying to stay quiet.

As she struggled, she was able to muster out what she was trying to say. C: “yeah but that is what leads to sex and we can’t have that for a while” G: “not… touching… you… is… torture… tho” I say in between the kisses I leave on her body. C: “I know, but we have to if I wanna heal properly” G: "ok" I was about to stop because that’s what she wanted me to do, and I always listen to my woman, until I feel her grab my face and pull me into another kiss. G: “I thought we weren't supposed to do this” C: “fuck that” just as I start to get excited the twins start to cry, so much for fun time. C: “I guess they want their mommy to heal properly” G: “I guess” we laugh and grab the babies.

Candice’s POV
The babies cried on and off for the next 2 hours, we tried feeding them, changing them, rocking them and nothing was working. I thought trying to restrain myself from doing it with Grant was hard but trying to soothe our kids was seeming to be a lot more of a challenge. G: “we’ve tried everything” C: “I know I’m running out of ideas” G: “soothing the babies was a lot easier when they were in your stomach”

when he said that it made me think back to that one time I had thought the baby was being really active because the baby was kicking and punching me but in all reality there were 2 babies kicking me and it gave me an idea. C: “G remember how we used to sing you are my sunshine to soothe the babies when they were in my stomach still” G: “yeah” C: “maybe we should try singing it now” G: “great idea” C&G: “you are my sunshine my only sunshine” we sing the song for about a minute and the twins stopped crying. We sang it a few more times until we were sure they were both back asleep. We went back up stairs and put them back in their bassinets before crashing back on the bed. G: “what and amusing first day back home” C: “tell me about it”

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