FINAL CHAPTER Chapter 10 (The End)

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Your POV:

"You good?" I snapped out of my thoughts "I uh yeah sorry I'm fine just nervous" "good, no need to be nervous, considering all the hours we've spent learning one of the most challenging scripts of all time, and you nailing it, I think we're just going to do just fine" Eddie says. I look at him and smile "me nail it? No you did your lines absolutely perfect with no problems" I say. Eddie blushes "no stop" he then looks down at me "you're so beautiful" I giggle "and your so handsome" Eddie blushes more "oh stop, you're so gorgeous" I look down smiling and blushing "let me see that smile" I looked back up at him with a big smile "see so beautiful" he grabs my chin. Suddenly we were interrupted "okay folks! Showtime! 2 minutes get on your positions" Eddie looks back at me "I'll see you" he smiles and walks away.

I was now alone, my heart was pounding nervously.

The show started hearing the lights flick on and the crowd applauding.

(Time skipped)

Eddie's line "if I profane with my unworthiest hand and this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this my lips, two blushing pilgrims ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" I walked up to Eddie now waiting for his next line "kiss have not saint lips and holy palmers to" suddenly I was lost in thought of what Jess said earlier making me forget my line. I then hear a psst from Eddie "hey you're line" suddenly one spot light turned on and Jess came walking towards on stage "well well well well... Two young love birds, eddie take your hands away from her" Eddie Narrows his eye brows and looks at her "Jess what the fuck are you doing?" Hearing people in the audios whisper "she's not what you think she is" my heart starts to pound "can we do this later, nows now the right time" Eddie confused "oh so it's cool if we tell everyone right? The way you touched my body last night and kissed my neck oh my god! I can't wait for tonight hehe" was she trying to blackmail Eddie? Eddie stands there in silence for a moment "w-wh-what are you saying?" He looks back and forth "tell her, tell her everything" Eddie then raises his voice confused out of his mind "I swear to God I don't know what she's talking about, she's fucking lying!" Jess gives a eye grin "am i?" She then walks up to the microphone "ladies and gentlemen may I represent you the biggest whore of Hawkins who decided to juggle two men of our school can you believe it" she brought up a projector of me kissing Eddie and Steve. The whole school started to laugh I started to tear up and walk off the stage "hey don't go" I tried to grab me but I was long gone.

I walked back into the dressing room and I started to breakdown. Suddenly the door swings open and Steve finds me "your here, I've been looking all over" he closes the door and walks towards me. He kneels down while I was I had my head in my knees "hey hey it's okay" he sits next to me and puts an arm around me "it's not your fault" trying to make me feel better "how isn't it my fault? You saw" "come onI hate to see you like this, besides people are not going to listen to Jess trust me" I cried more in my knees "let them laugh, they don't know the whole story, fuck them" Steve raises my head up and gets me to look at him "I don't know is this the right time to say this, but.... I love you, ever since the kiss we had I can't stop thinking about you, I can't stop thinking how much I could have helped you through all the bullshit you went through alone the killer and everything your cat I'm sorry for everything" Steve then looks down at my lips the back at me "can i?" I just look at him with a sparkle in my eye. He leans in and kisses me. I then break away "Jess killed my cat" Steve then looks at me confused and shocked "what did you say? Jess is the killer?!" "Y-yeah she told me herself" Steve looks at me for a moment "I need to make a couple of phone calls we're getting her locked up... Tonight" I then slightly smile and start to get up but then Steve stops me "don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." Steve then gets up and leaves the room closing it shut. I sat on the floor thinking until I heard an applause from the hall. They must of finished the scene without me.

About a moment later the door opens and the teacher comes in I get up from the floor "hey what's going on Amanda had to fill your parts because you didn't show up" he then starts to raise his voice "after this intermission you're getting yourself to that stage no butts" suddenly a voice spoke up from behind him "no she's not, come on let's go, take my hand" I then grab onto Eddie's hand "you ready?" We then run out to the Hallway "wait where are you guys going?" Steve sees us running "come with us" Eddie says continues to run.

We get into Eddie's van "can someone please tell me where the hell we're going?" Steve questions. Eddie turns on his van "to an adventure, buckle up!"

We buckled our seat belts and we drove off.


H20SkyGirl: I hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter I would of updated sooner but the last few weeks I've had no Wi-Fi what so every but here it is! The final chapter, keep an eye out on more new books coming soon! Follow me on my social media's and vote which books you would like to see next! Anyways thank you all so much for reading and I'll type more soon!

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