chapter ten

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I finally got over the whole Shelly thing. Jas is to thank for that. He,s so kind and sweet and understanding. I feel such a connection with him, it's something that draws me to him or something. He's now my own sun. He's just brightens my day... makes everything better... stocks with me even when i behave stupid, and he just ....... fills th hole i have had since Niki left.

" Morning Beautiful.", Jas greeted me smiling, as he sat in his seat. " Hi.", i said blushing at the way he called me ' Beautiful', " How are you? You ok?", he asked giving me a very, and imean very, SEXY smile. I could tell that he did it on purpose, because, his eyes were filled with amusement as he smiled. And........ it worked, obviously. Did my usual routine as i always didwhen i blushed, i turned away, then felt like a total idiot for doing it. Why or how, i should ask, did he know to make my blush with one smile?

As i turned my head, he used his hand to turn my head back gently. He smiled again, and i blushed twice ashard! OH GOSH I AM MAKING A FOOL OF MYSELF! COME ON MIA, THIS IS THE GUY YOU LIKE, ACT COOL! WAIT, I'M NOT COOL! I'M JUST ME! " YES, JUST BE YOU.", a voice in my head said, " NO! CHANGE A LITTLE, STOP BEING A GOODY TWO SHOES.", another voise shouted. I imagined two tiny versions of me on my sholders on in a devil suit, the other an angel suit. They started arguing, i began to get irritated. " Stop!!!", i yelled, but it wasn't ment to be out -loud. " Hey, you ok?", Jas asked me. " Yes,thank you Jason.", i said.


God, i love it when she says my name. I looked at her lips, God! Those are a perfect set of lips. I want to kiss her so much, feel those soft lips against mine. The first day i met her and we kissed, i didn't want to stop. I wanted to kiss her until she couldn,t breath. And when she kissed me back, i felt so happy.


As our last class was over, Jas went to the library, and i had to go to work, so we split up. As i was walking down the school hall to the exit, and i heard someone shouting. " FINE THEN! I DON'T EVEN NEED YOU! I CAN GET ANY GIRL I WANT!', the voice shouted. I bumped into the person who was shouting, it was Carl Steven. " CARL STEVEN! YOU WOULDN'T DARE CHEAT ON ME!", I heard Sara Brant shout. The were the school's top 'couple', they were a 'THING'. They're breaking up? " OH YEAH? JUST WATCH ME!", he yelled. Carl turned to me smiled, then walked up to me. He put his hand around my waist, closed the space between us, looked into my eyes, then whispered into my air, " Just play along, please.", he begged silenty so that i alone could hear. What? I knew what he was about to do, but my brain was now registering it, couldn't move.



Hi guys, so... yeah, i'm not that good at cliff-hangers, but, vote, if you like it, comment. Just tell me the honest truth, tell me if it is boring, i can take it. I like honesty. Thank you for reading. : 0

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