chapter 21

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I felt hurt, angry, sad, broken and unbearable pain. My heart was breaking. I hated it. I hated seeing him with her! I ated everything! I hated life! I hated myself for not being enough for him! I hated myself for not holding on to him! I wanted him back, and i NEEDED him back!

I was going crazy!

*One week later*

Jason has still been ignoring me and hanging around with Shelly.

It was killing me slowly and painfully.

As i walked through a crowd in the yard,I bumped into someone, but this person held on to my hand. " Mia?", the person said. It was Carl. I tried to get out of his grip, but he was too stong. " Carl... please... just.....p.....please let go.", i said sniffing and crying. " Mia, please. talk to me.", he pleaded.

We went to the an empty classroom and i explained everything, Carl was such a good friend. I actually felt a bit better........ but the pain wasn't even near to easing.


I was walking through the hall.... trying to compose myself from hurting mia like that. I walked past the empty Art Room and heard Mia speaking to someone. " I love him so much......... and........... he just left me. He told me it was him.... but ...... i can't help but think that....... he just didn't want ME. Was i not good enough? I mean......... i could change.", she said, stopping continuosly to sob. I felt so bad for doing this now.

Maybe i shouldn't have.

Maybe this wasn't the way to protect her.

Maybe i should say i'm sorry and deal with my temper a different way. I mean, if this was hurting both her and me.

I was hurting her.



" Mia........ it'll be ok... he's just going through a phase right now. He'll come around. Give him some time.", i heard Carl's voice say. Mia sniffed. " I want to believe that....... but he seemed so.......", she trailed off. I couldn't take seeing her hurt anymore.

I went into the room and said, " Mia....... can i speak to you?"


Hi, sorry for the slow update, i was a bit sick.

Anyway, hope you liked it.

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