Cost of a life

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I walked out of the vents seeing I was in the area where they made toys. Walking over to the door, I saw a little toy scanner where I can place a toy. I needed to make a toy to get out of this place? I turned on the power from up top and the machines started working. I then pulled the levers and the machine made my toy. I placed it in the scanner and the door opened to a dark eerie  hall. I was reluctant to walk in through the the dark, but I was the only way to leave since to other doors at locked. As I was about to walk into the hall Huggy came from the darkness. I gasped, stumbling back, almost tripping over my feet. He showed his rows of teeth as he stared down at me with a terrify wide smile. All I could hear was the machine around me beeping in alert. I felt my body shake in fear, He’s gonna kill me, I need to run, RUN! I sprinted inside the vents, avoiding every twist and turn as i hit slammed to the side of the vents. I heard thudding from inside the vents that weren’t mine. ‘He’s in the vent’s, oh god he’s in the vents with me!’ I soon made it out of the vents but it was a dead end. I panicked and looked around for anything I could use to escape. I saw a huge heavy box on the catwalk above me. Without another thought, I used my grabpack to pull down the box as Huggy came from the vents. The box was heavy enough to break the Catwalk, leading Huggy to his doom. All I heard was huggy crashing into pipes on the way down and then everything went quiet. I stood there in shock, trying to process what I had just done. ‘I killed huggy. Did I actually? No one could survive a fall like that.’ I looked down to where Huggy fell, noticing blood on the pipes he had hit. That was his blood. He could bleed. I soon felt woozy and tired, the adrenaline finally going away, but I can’t rest now, I have so many question that need answers.

 I used my grabpack to pull myself onto the Catwalk above me and looked around to see another conveniently placed vhs tape. I put the tape into the player and what I heard gave me chills. 

“Finale log, in relation; experiment 1006, the prototype, coordination in corporation is exponentially within his skill set. As well as the skills of all the other experiments of his type.” the male in the tape said voice, but that’s not what scared me, the screams from within the background did. “The things that occurred today are no doubt because of him. His absence was a flaw in the scientific process, which should've under no circumstances should’ve been left unaccounted for. That’s why I'm making this log, so that the same mistake wouldn’t happen again. Any future experiments will need to be contained and disposed of in a secure location.” His voice got faster and less calmer as a thud sounded in the background. “I’m not worried about myself, one breakthrough and i’ll be back, we must forge on wards in the name of science. Let those who are beneath us understand it or not, end of-... '' the mans’ voice was soon cut off and the tape ended. 

They were doing experiments here? How come I didn’t know about this in my time being here? You think something like that would be passed around to the kids that were here, rumors at least, but nothing. 

As thoughts ran through my head, I walked towards the door with the flower on it. Warnings like ‘Go Back’, ‘Stop’, and ‘turn around’ were written on the side, but there was no turning back after what had just happened. I twisted the knob, this could be the answer I was looking for, the answer I risked my life for. The door revealed old timey wallpaper on the walls and wooden stairs. How is this attached to the factory? Then again, the factory is almost as big as Disney world. I walked down the stars and it led me to a  room with a calming yet suspicious vibe. A music box playing in the background. The place almost felt…homey. As I went into another room to reveal a red-ish pink dimed area with a glass case that held a poppy doll. I felt like I was in a trance, like I needed to open that case, but what if she turns out to be like Huggy and tries to kill me? I shoved all of my thoughts away and cautiously opened the case. My heart skipped as the lights went out and a voice talked to me.

You opened my case.

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