A Beautiful Memory

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The morning light shone from the room. Random drawings littered the small table beside the bed. In the bed was a young girl waking from her sleep. She sat up and looked around her room before rubbing her eyes. She grabbed her Huggy plush before jumping out of bed and walking downstairs.

Her face met a woman who was making breakfast. A dark red housecoat hugged her figure, and her hair tied in a messy bun. “Morning, (Y/n).” The woman said. “Morning.” Was all the girl said as she sat at the table. (Y/n) looked towards the coffee machine to see the husband, white shirt, and black and white plaid pajamas, leaning on the counter as he waited for his coffee to be done. “So (Y/n), I heard from your teacher you weren’t quite adjusting to your new school.” The woman said. “But I am, I made tons of friends.” “With actual people or the toys in your room?” The woman said, and the little girl stayed silent, resulting in a sigh from the husband.

(Y/n) looked outside, trying to avoid any eye contact the adults wanted to make with her. She noticed an unfamiliar coat white covering the backyard. “It's snowing…” She mumbled. The woman lights up. “Yes, this is your first time seeing snow, isn't it?” She asked, and (Y/n) nodded. “Well, how about you put some clothes on, eat breakfast and we can head outside to play in the snow?” The woman suggested. The little girl began to walk upstairs, leaving the parents alone. “This is a little harder than we thought.” The wife said. “She didn't have many friends in PlayCare either, honey.” The man said. “Yeah, but it's a little odd for someone her age.” The woman said, placing the pancakes on the plate where (Y/n) had sat. “PlayTime Co can do that to you.” The man said before wrapping his arms around the woman. He kissed her cheek in reasurence. “She'll be fine, just be paitence. It's been a year since she's been here. Adjusting at a young age isn't easy.” The man said. The wife realxed into his hold and sighed contently. “I know, I just… I want the best for her.” The woman replied. The little girl finally came back from upstairs. She sat in her seat and practically devoured the pancakes. “Slow down, dear.” The wife said, but by that time, (Y/n) was already down as she gulped down half a cup of her orange juice. The husband chuckled.

The wife began to dress the little girl in winter clothes; red coat and boots to match. It was little oversized, but they'll have to do. The woman opened the door to the backyard as (y/n) rushed outside. She could feel the snow crunch underneath her boots, making footprints. (Y/n) knelt down and grabbed a handful of snow. Cold. It's really cold! Of course it would be cold. She thought. She tried clumping the snow into a ball, but it made an odd bumpy shape, nothing like a snowball. 

The door opened as the mother walked out, clothed in a warm yellow coat and red mittens. Her yellow boats crunched under the snow beneath her as she closed the door behind her. “Here, let me help.” Her mother held up a small white bowl. She kneeled down beside the little girl. The mother grabbed a hand full of snow, molding it wth her hands. (Y/n) looked intently she she did so before removing her hand to reveal a perfect snowball. She gasped in awe and shock. The mother picked it up and handed it to her. It so felt light, as if she wasn’t even holding anything. The father shortly came out after, leaving his coffee inside. The woman took the snowball from (Y/n)’s hands and looked at her before whispering, “Watch this.” She then chucks the snow at her husband. He tensed up as the coldness hit his jacket and slid down. Both the mother and (Y/n) laugh in their hands. The fathers shock expression formed into a mischievous look as he gathered snow in his hands. “Oh really?” Both girls rose from their spot on the ground before the man throws his ball. It hits the backside of the mothers coat as she squeals and laughs. (Y/n) made a snowball and threw it at her father. He looks at her with a wide smile. “Come ‘mere you!” He lungs at (Y/n) as she screams, a smile etched on her face. Her father grabbed her sides, attempting to tickle her as she struggled and laughed. “I got your back (Y/n)!” Her mother called from behind the father as she grabbed him, trapping his arms on his sides. He shouted, faking his distress. (Y/n) squealed as she was lifted up. “If i’m going down, I’m taking you with me!” He exclaimed. The little girl laughed, She wished this day would never end. A beep resounded in the air as the mother paused and took her phone from her pocket. “I gotta get to work.” She said, putting the phone back in her pocket. She kissed (y/n) on the cheek before kissing her husband on the lips. “You two have a nice day, and don’t stay out in the snow for too long.” She called, walking towards the door. “Be safe, honey.” Her husband said. “Of course.” (Y/n) waved at her mother. “Bye mom.” The womans heart swelled with pride. ‘Mom’. It made her happy. “Bye (Y/n), see you later in the evening.” And with that, she left.

He wished he was the one to stay working at that god forsaken place instead of her.

He looked at the blood on the floor, leading to the shredder, Mommy’s bloody leg was all that remained. God, he felt sick. What happened? Where was (Y/n)? God, he hoped she wasn’t dead. She was the only thing he had left of his miserable life. Working as a nightgaurd was crappy and boring, but it paid well. He didn’t have to work with rude stupid costumers like his last job. He didn’t have enough patience for that. 

He straightened himself up and pressed on. He really needed to get his daughter out of here as soon as possible. The man noticed the paper on the ground. It stood out; clean with red bold letters. He picked it up, and his blood ran cold.

I can’t wait to see the betrayal and fear in your eyes as she rips you open, and we keep her here. WHERE SHE BELONGS.

Oh god, (Y/n), please don’t continue forward.

【I finally posted! Anyway, I wanted to talk about a part I didn’t add in the last chapter. I was gonna add DogDay breathing out his vanilla scent not only to help calm (Y/n), but also to help with the hallutions of CatNap that she was seeing during the final battle.

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