The Beginning After the End

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People always say that being born as a girl would be a sign of good fortune, especially if they were born around 1900s – 2000s. However, the reality wasn't that sweet and nice, since even a girl that was born in 1996 also has to meet with various misfortune and miseries in her life. The life of a certain girl, or now a woman, whose life has already been decided as a bad fortune.

She has always been bullied by people of her peers despite having some differences from the norms. From her school days to her working adult days, that certain woman always deals with people bullying, abusing, and discriminating against her.

"What a creep! To think you would have attracted to another girl!"

"Yeah. I always knew she was weird and disgusting."

The laughter of people who mocked her could be heard loudly. It's not only boys but also girls who do that to her. All of the people she knew in her school spread that and made her hated and bullied, even the teachers ignored it.

"S-Sorry, but can you not be my friend anymore? You're so... weird and I feel unsafe around you."

Even her only friend who is also a girl wasn't an exception as she started being abandoned and being looked at with disgusted look. However, this bullied girl or woman tries her best to endure it, not showing any sadness; she doesn't want to be seen and feels weak.

Not satisfied by verbal abuse and bullying, people in her school also started to vandalize her, starting by scribbling on her desk with so many insults which turned worse. Seeing and going through all that, she wants to let loose and cry with all of her might, alone somewhere. However, she also knows that's pointless since no one is on her side to help her.

"Damned child! Why did you! Because of you, because of that rumor...! Look at how you make me look bad!"

"Hey, try to keep it down or the neighbor will hear it."

Said the mother who watched her husband beating up her daughter because of the rumor that she was caused and made their family viewed as bad. Not only the father, but the mother also sent a disgusted look and resent her daughter for making their life even more troublesome.

The daughter could only shut her mouth while being beaten up by her father despite her whole body feeling pain and not being able to fight him back. She tried to endure it since there was nothing she could do. Even if she tried to fight him back or did anything else, she knew only misery that would happen to her next. She was never wrong about that feeling.

While being beaten up, a thought comes across to her mind.

'Why... why everyone hate me...? Why do they hate me for being attracted to someone of the same sex as myself...? Is it... is it wrong for me to feel like that?'

Every time she goes through suffering, there is always a verb that comes to her which makes her able to continue her days every day.

'When life gives you lemons make lemonade... yeah. I'll try my best today too.'

With that in mind, and clinging to the hope of the words that became her motivation and favorite, she continued her days until her adult day came. She thought with happiness a bit when that came since that meant she could be away from her parents. However, that naïve thought gave her another demise, another set of miseries in her adult days. Society, the even larger one this time, treats her the same without any changes.

"Look, I bet she seduces the boss to climb up high."

"Yeah, I hear she is a lesbian and the boss is a woman, so... everything's connected."

At first, the gossip and false rumor start small, however, it begins to spread fast and grow big to the point it can't be ignored again as her boss has no choice but to make a harsh decision for her.

"Sorry, but from now on, you're being fired."

Being fired from the place she worked hard in, she felt devastated and tried to find another job but everything didn't work well as she always got rejected each time she tried to apply. She kept searching and searching for many places until her money ran out, forcing her to be homeless.

Despite her life turned bad with so many misfortune, she keep trying to be positive and tough. However, living as a homeless person wasn't as good as she imagined. Her fellow homeless ignored her and didn't even care that much about her; whether she died or not it's not their problem.

They also began to give her misery by abusing her just like what people have always done. She never had food or drink to sustain herself because all the homeless snatched it from her and kept it for themselves, and some people who tried to distribute food, drink, and any necessities also did not give her any.

Every day, her stomach let out a loud sound of growling as it didn't get filled with any food. She had to force herself to scourge some of the disgusting food she found in the trash to survive a little longer. However, that was still not enough as her stomach continued growling, her entire body smelly, and disgusting as she hadn't taken any bath and her clothes were dirty.

'When life gives you lemons make lemonade... I wonder, will my life ever have a good thing...? If another chance exists, I hope...'

The blurry from her eyes became worse as she almost couldn't see anything. Her eyes also became heavier, forcing her to not be able widely to open them like normally.

'...I hope that I can have the happy life that I always wanted.'

Her breath became heavier and when she tried to close her eyes to get some sleep, she was unaware that it would be her last sleep as her heartbeat started to stop. A smile was formed on her face when she died in her sleep. It's a smile with a tiny bit of hope.

At that moment, her life was ended but another thing she was unaware of was that it's not the end of her life journey. It will be a new and fresh start for her life.

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