Another life that led to happiness

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After being told like that by the woman, whose name is ████████ then takes her time to pick anything from so many paper sheets provided by the figure she dubbed as 'Divine Being' for the lack of term and to make it easier for her, she also assuming the 'Divine Being' is a male.

And what he said is correct, since she doesn't want to make any mistakes with her new life or second life, ████████ will take her time to choose. She looked at each paper, checking everything written on it.

Everything written on all these sheets of paper contains so many overpowered or OP materials which overwhelmed her at first and caused her to be confused but then, seeing her confusion made the 'Divine Being' couldn't help but chuckle amusingly.

Her reaction is understandable and nothing new since he always gets to see that kind of face made by many reincarnator or otherworlder he ever meets. ████████ is not the first person in here, after all.

"As I said earlier, no need to rush it. Just take your time slowly since I'm getting used to waiting. It's not like I'm like a certain blue-haired water element goddess who has zero patience and is rude to her guests. Being a... 'god' or 'Divine Being' as to speak is what makes me have to live for so long which is something immortal or long-lived people should get used to sooner or later."

The woman who heard that didn't say anything as she stayed quiet, thinking about longevity or maybe even immortality—the true immortality—that she should consider as one of her options. True, it might give some side effects like living longer than anyone she cared for and loved, but the benefit from it is also that.

However, she then thought of the solution that came across her mind, and that solution made her lips curl into a happy smile.

'That's right! If I'm correct, there is a paper that contains something like that and might give a better option aside from those. Ah! Found it!'

Found what she wanted, ████████ then took that paper, another one, and many others which surprised the 'Divine Being' as he let out an amused "Oh...?" when seeing what his guest did. It shows how ████████ wants to make her new life as happy and comfortable as possible with how she chooses so many papers, not just one.

'It's just like how I watched the Yu-gi-oh player trying to combine all card that has good synergy with each other despite not being in the same archetype. It's nothing wrong since greed will always exist within everyone, not just human-exclusive, but that still leaves me with some amusement.'

He chuckled at the memories he remembered. There was one time when he didn't gift some cheats or something like this to people since most of the reincarnator or the otherworlder are always male which something bored him. He's not male, he is neither, but for convenience's sake, he would have no choice but to be referred to as male.

'It sounds feminist but that's how the world works, not just in the human world, but even god. Well, the important thing is I hope ████████ will be happy with her new life later. She's already suffered so much in her previous life.'

While true that there are other people whose life worse than hers ████████, it is something that cannot be denied that ████████'s life is bad and the 'Divine Being' can't help but feel sorry and sympathetic about her. Comparing one to another would lead to an endless and pointless cycle after all. He's not heartless but human or non-Divine Beings would definitely think so of him which is hard to convince since most of them are stubborn and feign ignorance. Being a god or 'Divine Being' is not as easy as people thought.

"Um, excuse me... god? Or 'Divine Being'?"

When he reminisced a bit, ████████'s voice snapped him back to pay his attention to her, and saw so many paper sheets she held which made him let out a small laugh of amusement before he let out a small huff and shook his head in response to her.

"Ah, you're done with everything you choose?"

"Yes, here is all of what I've chosen. Please take a look at it."

She said, giving all the paper sheets to the 'Divine Being' and he then took them, checking every paper sheet, giving a nod, before giving her another response with a smile.

"All is good, nothing wrong with being this greedy, given how your life has to you so I think it's fair compensation."

"Eh, this that so? I thought it would be bad."

"As I said earlier, you have no limitation what how many you choose, so it's okay for that and it is really fair compensation for you. I also did something like this to the people who have similar conditions to you, you know."

Hearing that, ████████ let out an "I see..." in a low voice before the 'Divine Being' accepted the choices she made and then did something below ████████'s feet which suddenly glowed with a magical circle that surprised her.

"W-What is this....?"

"It's your typical magical circle that will surely transport you to the world of your choice for your second life. The moment the light of that circle is gone, it means the process is successful and done without any error."

"I see... so it's like that. Then, that means I'll immediately be reincarnated as Artoria Pendragon Lancer with everything I choose?"

"Yep. Anyway, don't be so nervous and calm yourself. I know you'll be fine later."

He said with a wink and smile. ████████ was surprised before she nodded and smiled in response as she did what the 'Divine Being' told her.

"Good. Now, the moment you've reincarnated as Artoria Pendragon Lancer, you will most likely forget about your past life, it is temporary but I think it's a good thing since you shouldn't remember them."

The tone and expression when he said it showed how much he cared for ████████ and knowing that, she nodded and looked at him with an accepting and understanding smile.

"Understood. I'm okay with it."

"...good, then, ████████—no, Artoria Pendragon. I hope your new life will always be full of happiness there. I bid you good luck."

████████—or Artoria Pendragon nodded at that as the light of the magical circle covered her whole body as she was transported to the new world where her second life would happen.

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