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The rest of the journey, was mostly spent in silence, neither of the three knew what to say to each other.

So many thoughts were whirring in Lovisa's head, not just about what she had witnessed Anakin do to those two men, but how Ahsoka had barely reacted.

She then thought's about other times she had seen Ahsoka act differently, or so to speak, similar to Anakin, but also how she somehow always knew there was something going on, like she just sensed it, and she was very in tune with her intuition.

"Anakin, can I ask you something?" Lovisa decided she'd get to the bottom of it.

"Of course, what is it?" He asked, glancing at her.

You know how you just know things, as in, if somethings going on you can just sense it, or you can feel presence."

"Yes, with the force, that's what allows me to." He said, slowly, letting her continue her train of thought.

"Right, is there a chance that anyone could be like you, like a Jedi, but they're not one?"

"I guess, I wasn't discovered until I was nine, and that's considered a little too old, most younglings were found as new borns, or toddlers."

"So one could slip under the radar, but it's not common?" She continued with her questions.

"Yes, I suppose, why do you ask?"

"Ahsoka, tell me again how you knew we were leaving." She turned to face the girl. "Truthfully."

"I- uh, I don't know, I just- I am not sure how to explain it, it was like something in my head telling me to leave my room, that something was happening that I shouldn't miss, and this feeling came over me, it felt, familiar."

"And have you felt it before?" Lovisa urged her to go on.

"Yes, Its normally whenever we're apart, I know when you're near, before you appear."

"And those .. people, back there, you knew they were there, before we even saw them."

"Whats this got to do with anything, Love?" Ahsoka sighed.

"Christ, have mercy on me." Lovisa prayed to herself. "Nothing at all, Snips, it all means nothing."

"She thinks you're force sensitive, like me." Anakin stepped in, sensing the girls anger flaring.

"That's impossible." Ahsoka laughed.

"Well, I'm not turning the idea down." Anakin shrugged.

"What? As in you agree with her?"

"Yeah." He looked between the road, and her, "Can't know for sure, but it makes sense, and I can feel it."

"So you're not just agreeing, because you're hopelessly in love wit-"

"All I'm saying" He cut her off. "Is that, it's a theory I'm not rejecting, but I wouldn't be able to know for definite."

"This is so unfair!" Lovisa huffed, as she held Threepio to her chest. "Why do the both of you get this, and I have nothing. I'm just... normal."

"Lovisa, you're a princess, and the future queen of Naboo." Ahsoka reminded.

"oh, God, I forgot about that, I thought it was a terrible dream." She sighed. "...Sorry." Lovisa then sent Anakin a meek half smile. "But it's beside the point, I was just... I don't know, born into that status, but anything could've happened, and I'd just be... some peasant, a farmer, I could even be one of the people working in the palace, nothing about me is special but who my parents are, but you guys-"

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