Twenty Three

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Ahsoka brushed Lovisa's hair, as she watched her in the mirror, with a careful eye.

"Lovey, I have noticed you haven't been able to ditch the smile on your face, that is unlike you."

"Oh, you are cruel, Snips, I am always so joyous, in the mornings."

"Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?" Ahsoka grabbed her shoulders, as her face morphed into worry.

"Stop your teasing, I am home, with my family, after so long apart, is that not something to be happy about?"

"For you, no, but could this possibly have something to do with a certain Jedi's bedroom, being down the hall?"

Lovisa froze, her smile dropping from her face.

"Of course not."

"What shall happen, between you, once he is to return to the temple, and you are given duties, as heir?"

"I am not sure, I'm afraid, I'm still working that out, in my head." She sighed.

"Well, whatever it is, know that you need not to keep it from me, I am by your side, Lovey, I will keep this secret with me, until the day I take my last breath." She linked her pinkie finger, with the Princesses'

"Do you truly mean that?" Lovisa turned in her seat, to face her friend.

"Of course I do, I would never wish to betray you."

"Soka." Lovisa gushed, pulling the handmaiden into a tight hug.

"Now let us go." Ahsoka pulled away, placing an tiara, to match the beautiful dress, Lovisa was wearing, atop her head. "It is time for you to break your fast."

"And I hope that you will be dining with us, this morning." Lovisa put her arm through Ahsoka's, linking at the elbow, as they paced to leave her chambers.

"Now why would I do a foolish thing, like that?" Ahsoka laughed, softly.

"Because I am asking you to, and it will be my way to break the news to my parents, that I will be in need of a new handmaiden, for you will be going to the temple."

" Wait, Visa, what?" Ahsoka stopped her, as they entered the hall.

"I spoke with Master Kenobi, and he had said that he would speak to the council, about allowing you to train, I am hoping there will be news, soon."

"Your Grace, Snips." Colo called, as he was being dragged down the hall, by three excited puppies, on their leashes.

"Colo." Lovisa, and Ahsoka both bowed their heads, as they relieved the Royal Guard. "What are you doing with Artoo."

"Well, I have been trying to locate Skywalker, but have not had much luck." He grumbled.

"Then I shall have to take him off your hands, and have him returned to his rightful owner." Lovisa smiled, taking Artoo's leash, as well as Threepio's.

"Where did you even find the little mutts?" Colo asked, as he decided to "escort" The two ladies towards the breakfast room.

"In a box." They both answered.

"Ah yes, that makes all the sense." Colo replied, his tone full of sarcasm.

Artoo began barking, loudly, down the hall, and that was when Anakin And Obi-Wan came round the corner.

"Hey, buddy!" The Padawan grinned, as Lovisa let go of the leash, so that the puppy may run to his owner, without dragging her across the sleek floor.

"Your highness." Obi-Wan bowed to Lovisa, side-eying Anakin for the way he had rudely disregarded the Princess.

"Oh- right- Your highness." Anakin stood up, also bowing to her, a crooked grin on his face, as he looked at her knowingly, her own cheeks beginning to blush, at his attention.

"There is no need for that, every time." She sighed. "May I ask what the both of you were up to, on this morning?"

"Meditating, your Grace, and a little debriefing." Kenobi replied. "Something you will have to join in on soon, Lady Tano." He looked at the handmaiden.

"Have the council replied with word?" Lovisa answered for her friend.

"Yes, they have decided that on a special occasion, and favour to her Royal Highness, the Princess of Naboo, that we shall allow Ahsoka to join the Order, and with Anakin being knighted, in the very near future, he will be the one to train her."

"What?" They both demanded, turning on the man.

"I don't want a Padawan!" Anakin argued.

"I don't want him as a Master!" Ahsoka refused.

"This isn't fair! They can not make me!" They had both said, in sync.

"Oh, but when I didn't want to be queen, I was dramatic." Lovisa said, pointedly. "Colo, shall we give them some privacy, will you escort me to the breakfast room?" She held her hand out for The guard.

"Of course, M'lady." He took her hand with gentleness, and they moved around the three, Obi-Wan attempting to calm down the two fiery teenagers, who were arguing to each other, about one another. "You seem to be in an chipper mood, Princess, an reason for this, may I ask?"

"I am glad to be home, Colo, I find that in my time away, surprisingly, I have grown to miss you not pestering me constantly."

"Well, then, I am pleased to report that the feeling has been mutual, though, I have missed you, incredibly, Princess, life around the palace has been intensely dull, in your absence." He looked at her, with his usual mischievous smile.


Lovisa and Colo turned, only half of their bodies, to watch the Jedi, sprint around the corner, to join them.

"Have you seemed to have forgotten your manners, when addressing your grace?" Colo asked him, his jaw clenched, as Anakin attempted to catch his breath.

"Colo, you needn't worry yourself, Anakin and I are friends, and you know I hate it when my friends address me as such." She placed an hand on his arm, letting him know it was okay, whilst applying her own hints.

"My apologies, your highness." Anakin corrected himself, "but I was hoping that I could walk you towards the breakfast table, to make sure that you have arrived unharmed."

"The princess is in more than well capable hands, Skywalker." Colo turned to him, instead of Lovisa.

"Yes, mine, unless you have somehow heard otherwise, she is still technically in my care, and until the threat over her head has completely been dismissed, it will remain that way."

"If you're also in charge of tracking that threat down, then that could be for a very long time, and I doubt anyone will feel relief with that decision. As I hear, it was an old frail man, that had bested you, as well as taken your arm. You are spoken so highly as the "Chosen one" But I am failed to be impressed."

"Colo!" Lovisa hissed.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere, holding doors open." Anakin took a step towards him.

"I am no door holder, I am a royal guard, and you are merely a Padawan."

"And that is all you'll ever be." Anakin was now looking down on him, using the extra inches of height, to valuable use."

"Stop it, the both of you, what is the matter here?" Lovisa demanded, wedging them away from one another.

"Nothing, Princess." Colo shook his head, taking another step back. "I should.. I have duties I need to attend to, my apologies, your Grace." He bowed to her, before marching away.

"Ani, What on earth was that?" She turned on the Jedi, who was staring daggers into the back of the guard.

"Nothing." He blinked, looking away.

"Ani, why do the two of you not seem to get on? You both have the same interest of wanting to keep me safe, I do not get what this rivalry, is."

"We should get to the breakfast room, before people start to wonder where you are." Anakin turned on his heel, walking forward, in the original direction Lovisa was headed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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