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The two had returned in the early hours of the next day.

Lovisa hadn't done anything but sit around and wait for them, she couldn't even sleep, and refused, where Beru had offered her a bed.

The Princess's chest ached, as she watched Anakin carry his mothers body, towards the farm, and without saying anything to his new family, he continued, into their home.

"Snips." Lovisa looked at her friend, who seemed deeply troubled, she was breathing heavy too, and her hands slightly shook. "What happened?"

"Lovey." Ahsoka grabbed hold of her wrist, and pulled her away from the three, so that they could talk in private.

"What happened back there?" Lovisa asked, once again, now that they were alone.

"Vis, it was horrible, no child should have to see their parent like that, like she was. She was still alive, when we got there, but, oh, god, it was bad, so, so bad, she had been suffering for so long, tied up to some rack. Then she... she died in his arms."

"Fuck." The princess cursed, completely taken back, as she clutched her chest.

"That's not all, after she died, something in him just sort of snapped, I couldn't break him out of it, I couldn't, I tried, Lovey, but I failed."

"What? What did he do?" Lovisa asked, growing even more worried.

"You should ask him, yourself, I can't repeat it." Ahsoka then walked away from her, shaking her head.

They had held a small funeral for Shmi Skywalker, Anakin had been the one to dig his mothers grave, and bury her beneath.

Lovisa and Ahsoka had stood by the side, as her family surrounded her.

"You were the love of my life." Cliegg spoke. "Kind, gentle, and generous, to anyone who needed it, no matter what situation was going on in your own life, you taught me to be a better person, and my biggest regret is not having enough time with you."

Anakin had requested some time alone with his mother, and they had all granted it to him.

But eventually, Lovisa had decided she'd given him enough space, and it was time to get answers.

She had found him in one of the farms workshops, he was stood at a work bench, messing around with some parts, fixing them, she realised.

"Life seems so much more simple, when you're fixing things." He said, his voice came out harsh, as he held back all his emotions, his throat was dry, as well, from the desert sand.

"Anakin..." Lovisa started. "What happened back there?"

Anakin kept his head down, as he continued to work on some sort of charm.

"Ani" She sighed, taking a step closer to him. "Whatever it was, Ahsoka seemed really troubled by it. Whatever happened, you can tell me. Please, please tell me."

Her heart beat loudly, as she waited for a reply, she slightly chewed on her lip.

"I told her not to come, but she didn't listen."

"I asked her to go with you." Lovisa replied.

"You shouldn't have done that." He glared at the girl.

"I just want to understand." She laid a hand on his shoulder.

He took a deep breath, before seeming to change his mind about calming down, turning on her, sharply.

"I killed them." He snapped at her. "I killed them all. Not just the men, but the women, and the children, too, I slaughtered them!" His voice rose, as did his anger, at the memory of last night. "They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals, every single one of them. I hate them!"

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