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They had spent the journey in quiet, knowing that Anakin's mind wasn't focused on making small talk, and Lovisa, nor Ahsoka had any idea what to say, that wouldn't anger or irritate the boy, as he focused on his solo mission.

But eventually, they had made it to the location Watto had given Anakin.

It was a farm, in the middle of the desert place, secluded.

Two people had emerged from the hut, their home.

A man and a woman.

Anakin had pulled the carriage to a halt, and was quick to jump out, walking towards the two people.

"Hello." The man greeted him, warily, as the woman held his arm.

"My name's Anakin Skywalker, I was told that my mother would be here." He shared.

"Ah, you're Shmi's boy, we've heard so much about you, we figured you'd show up at some point in the future. I'm Owen, your mother married my father, so that makes us brothers, I guess. This is my girlfriend, Beru."

"Uhm, this is Ahsoka Tano, and this is...." Anakin hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should reveal who Lovisa was, or lie, to his new family.

"I'm Lovisa Amidala, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Lovisa Amidala, as in the Princess?" Beru gasped.

"Yes, but I fear, that is no where near as important, right now, we're here to find Anakin's mother." She tried steering the attention away from her.

"Right, uhm, you all will want to come in, this isn't going to be an easy conversation." Owen said, his tone sounded sorrowful, and Lovisa felt as Anakin grabbed her hand, squeezing it, and she could tell his own heart was lurching, for his mother.

"I'll make tea." Beru said, as she moved around her boyfriend, to enter their home.

"I'll grab the pups, and our bags." Ahsoka told the two, knowing Anakin needed Lovisa's comfort, right now, and that he wouldn't be letting go of her anytime soon.

"Thank you." The princess smiled kindly.

"Your highness, I must apologise for the state of the place, we've never had someone of your royal status come here, before, or anyone of importance, really."

"It's quite alright, your home looks lovely, Owen." Lovisa told him, as she led Anakin towards the hut, both her hands holding his own, as well as his arm, as he seemed to be in some panicked daze.

"May I ask what it is, that you are doing here?"

"Well, Anakin is my Jedi, for the moment, I've been under his protection, and so when he told me that he was coming here, I tagged along."

"So... the two of you, you're not?" He looked at their joined hands.

"I think we should really put all our attention on to the matter at hand, I'm only here for Anakin, as a friend." As a lover, his partner, she found herself wanting to say, instead.

"Dad. We have guests." Owen called into the home.

"So Beru has told me." Owen walked into what looked like their kitchen, as the two stood behind.

A old looking man, was sat at the table, as Beru filled his cup with steaming tea.

"My Step-son, and the princess, I must say, an odd pair, on this day."

Lovisa felt Anakin flinch, at the title, the man had given him, never in his life has he had a father, and never has he had a man call him "son".

"I'm Cliegg, Cliegg Lars, your mothers husband." He spoke to Anakin. "I would stand, your highness, but as you can see, I am not really able to." He gestured to his bandaged leg, that stopped at the knee.

"That is quite alright." Lovisa smiled kindly, as she pulled Anakin, to sit next to her, at the table, and then she let go of him, so that she could take off her cloak, before quickly sitting down, and holding his hands, once again.

It slightly frightened her, how much he was depending on her, so quickly, especially during an emotional moment, like right now, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

"My mother, where is she?" Anakin spoke, staring at the man, with urgency.

"Son, I'm afraid she was taken, by the tuskan raiders, a vile group of monster like men, they're brutal, vicious, and show no mercy, and they take what they want." He had said, bluntly. "Your mother had gone out early, like she did every day, to pick fruit, I should've never let her go alone, but she always insisted, but when she never came back, a whole group of us had gone out to look for her. But there was no luck, I'd still be out there now, if it wasn't for my leg." He sounded remorseful, but angry, at himself, and it was clear to see that he had been struggling to grieve the loss of his wife. "Not like it would even matter anymore. I don't wanna give up on her, but she's been gone a month. There's little hope she's lasted this long. "

Anakin stood up, quickly, nearly knocking the chair back, and all eyes turned on him.

"Where are you going?" Owen asked.

"To find my mother." He answered.

"Your mothers dead, son. Accept it." Cliegg told him.

But he couldn't.

Anakin had been offered an horse, by Owen, and had gladly accepted it.

Lovisa left the hut, spotting the boy, as he stood, staring at the horizon, preparing himself to leave, as the stars started to come out.

"You can't come with me." He said, when she walked close enough for him to sense her presence. "It won't be safe, and I can't stand the thought of something happening to you, too." His voice wobbled, as he spoke so openly. "These are good people, you'll be safe here."

Lovisa stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he was quick to wrap his around her body, dropping his head on her shoulder.

She said nothing as she held him, tightly, but then, she eventually pulled away, but not too far.

"I'll be here, waiting for you." She whispered to him, then she leaned closer, giving him a sweet, gentle kiss.

"Vis." He mumbled, barely audible.

"Bring her home, Ani." She stopped him, not wanting to know what he was going to say.

She then stepped back, and turned, to return to the hut.

Ahsoka, who had watched their whole encounter, pushed herself off the wall, she had been leaning on.

"Let's go, Skyguy." She told him.

"Soka, you're not coming, either." Anakin snapped, his gaze turning steely, as he looked at her, suddenly angry at her appearance, and what he knew she had just seen.

"You can't go by yourself."

"Yes, I can."

"Fine, but you're not."

She walked away from him, and towards the horses, where he had noticed there were now two.

"Where'd you get them from?" Anakin asked, staring at the twin swords, strapped to her back.

"Ask Lovey. She's taking it all seriously."

"About you being force sensitive?"

"Uh huh." She hopped onto her horse, as Anakin climbed onto his own.

"Ahsoka, go back. I don't want you tagging along."

"I can't, I promised Lovey I'd look out for you, and I know what you're going through right now, you shouldn't be alone, when you find her." She empathised on the word "When" because there were no ifs about it, but it was the state they'd find her, is what had the girl concerned for the boy.

"What would you even know or understand about what I'm going through?" He glared at her, as he snapped.

"My mother was Lovey's handmaiden, she practically raised us both together, until she died, a few years ago, and I took over her role." Ahsoka replied, bitterly, at the boy, for being so bluntly ignorant. "Time's ticking. We should go." She then clicked her teeth, and encouraged her horse to go.

Anakin felt bad, about what he had said, he let out a heavy sigh, before following after the girl.

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