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Cherry stood focused as she styled her hair, each strand falling into place with practiced precision

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Cherry stood focused as she styled her hair, each strand falling into place with practiced precision. The air in the bathroom was thick with the pungent scent of hairspray, her nose used to it by now. Just as she was perfecting her costume's signature red lipstick, the door creaked open, and Max's curious face peeked in. "What are you?" Cherry turned to face her, her lipstick held up between her fingers. "I'm Sandy from Grease, obviously," she declared proudly, gesturing to her outfit laid out on the counter: a sleek leather jacket, skin-tight pants, and a tight black tank top.

Max's eyes widened, her mouth forming a perfect 'o' shape. She trailed off, "Mind if I borrow something for tonight?" she asked, already eyeing their shared closet. Cherry chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Sure, help yourself," she replied, motioning toward her wardrobe. "But, for what?" "Well, I'm going trick or treating with some friends from school," she admitted. "I thought you were too old," Cherry teased. Max tried to hide a grin as she dug through Cherry's clothes. "Yeah, well, free candy, right?" she retorted playfully, pulling out a mask and observing it with interest.

"Plus, it's a great excuse to scare people." Cherry chuckled, still fixing her makeup, "Just make sure to bring me back some of those peanut butter cups, okay?" Max grinned, already mentally planning her route for the best candy haul. "Deal." Max adjusted her costume, "Diabetes time," she declared with a grin, giving Cherry a playful look before heading out the door. Following, Cherry tiptoed down the stairs, hoping to slip past the living room unnoticed. However, just as she reached the bottom step, her father's voice stopped her in her tracks. m

"And, where might you be going, young lady?" he called out. Cherry groaned inwardly, reluctantly coming into the dim light of the TV screen. "To a party..." she admitted, avoiding her father's gaze as she glanced around the room. Neil's stern expression softened slightly as he noticed his son making his way downstairs, dressed up for the occasion. "With Billy?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Cherry hesitated, knowing her father's strict rules about attending parties. "Yep. With Billy," Her father seemed relieved but stopped, "Dressed like that, Cherrilyn. Absolutely not."

Cherry's heart sank at her father's disapproval. "But, daddy, it's Halloween!" she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation as she searched for a way to salvage her plans. Neil sighed heavily as he pointed to his daughter's outfit, "What are you, a hooker?" Cherry's heart sank at her father's harsh words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and hurt wash over her. "Why is everything so tight?" She bit her lip, fighting back the sting of tears as she looked down at her outfit, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "I'm Sandy," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. There went her dignity.

Feeling her father's disapproval heavy upon her, Cherry's desperation grew. Without another word, she followed after Billy and scurried out the door and into her brother's waiting car. As they drove away, Cherry couldn't shake the sting of her father's words. She glanced back at the house, catching a glimpse of Neil's figure in the doorway. "Cherry, get back here!" his voice echoed after her, filled with frustration and concern, but she couldn't bring herself to turn back. "Billy, you keep her in your sight!" Neil's command rang out, authority in his tone.

The damage was done, and all Cherry wanted now was to forget, even if just for one night. With a heavy heart, she sank into her seat, watching the streetlights blur by as Billy parked. Turning off the car, Billy cleared his throat, "I'm not gonna watch you, y'know. You're not my dog," he muttered, his tone laced with annoyance "Thanks," Cherry replied tersely, her frustration from their earlier argument still lingering. She stepped out of the car and into the loud crowded house, the thumping music drowning out her thoughts. Pushing through the crowd, Cherry scanned the room, her eyes searching for Robin's familiar face amidst the sea of strangers.

As Cherry continued through the crowd, a boy's unsettling smirk caught her off guard. "Nice pants," he muttered creepily, causing her to quicken her pace, feeling a wave of discomfort wash over her. Thanks? Before she could fully process the encounter, someone pulled her gently by the arm. Startled, Cherry turned to see Robin's wide smile. "Hey, Sandy," Robin greeted warmly. Relieved to have found her friend, Cherry chuckled softly. "Finally, someone sees it. It's as if everyone just thinks I wore leather pants to be hot or something," "You are hot!" Robin quipped playfully, causing Cherry to laugh in spite of herself.

As she redirected her attention to her friend, she noticed Robin's attire. "What are you...?" Cherry began, but before she could finish, Robin dramatically removed her glasses. She showed off her loafers, sunglasses, and a suit. Cherry couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "I'm Miami Vice, duh," Robin declared proudly, pulling out a badge for added effect. The party continued as Cherry and Robin exchanged banter, their laughter blending with the music as they danced. Amidst the crowd, Cherry found herself caught up in the moment, momentarily forgetting the troubles that had plagued her at home.

But then, amidst the cheers and chants, Cherry spotted her brother, Billy, at the center of it all. Teens around him were counting, cheering loudly as Billy roared, "That's how vou do it, Hawkins!" A boy shot up, "We got ourselves a new Keg King!" Another one chimed in, "Yeah, that's right! Beat it, Harrington!" The sight of her brother like this stirred up a mixture of emotions within her, reminding her of her father on multiple occasions. Feeling a sudden need for space, Cherry excused herself, slipping away from the crowd and into the quieter corners of the house. She needed a moment to regain her composure before facing her brother again.

She made her way to the kitchen in search of something to drink. Avoiding the alcohol, she rummaged through the cabinets, her gaze falling on a guy leaning alone in the corner. Seeing how upset he looked, Cherry tried not to be a bother. Seeing her continue to search, he perked up. "Can I help you?" he offered, his voice tinged with genuine concern. "Yeah, sorry," Cherry replied, grateful for the interruption. "I'm just looking for water," she explained, trying to avoid drawing attention to herself.

The boy chuckled softly, noticing her reluctance. "There are plenty of drinks right there," he gestured towards the punch bowl and keg. Cherry hesitated before shaking her head. "I don't drink," she admitted quietly, feeling a twinge of discomfort as she revealed this to a stranger. Understanding her hesitation, the boy nodded in acceptance. "Oh, okay, yeah," he replied, his tone sympathetic as he scanned the kitchen for alternatives. "Let's find you something else then,"
As they searched, the boy broke the silence, "I've never seen you around here before," he remarked, "What's your name?"

"Cherry," she replied with a small smile, grateful for the distraction his company provided. "Nice to meet you, Cherry," the boy said with a warm smile. He smoothed a hand over his hair, seeming a bit less sad than before. "I'm Steve Harrington." Cherry's smile widened at the introduction. "Likewise, Steve," she replied. He cleared his throat, "So, you're new around here?" he asked, curiosity glinting in his eyes. "Yeah, just moved," Cherry replied, adjusting her stance slightly. Steve nodded, leaning against the countertop casually. "Hawkins been treating you okay so far?" Cherry chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in her tone. "You could say that,"

Steve grinned, "Well, lucky for you, you've got just the guy to show you the ropes," Cherry couldn't help but laugh at his confidence, "And who might that be?" He pointed to himself playfully, a smile playing at the corners of Cherry's lips. "Me, Steve Harrington, obviously," The dark haired girl stifled a laugh, "Well then, Steve Harrington, I might just have to take you up on that offer," As Cherry and Steve exchanged playful banter, their conversation was interrupted by Robin's voice cutting through the noise. "Cherry, your brother," she called out, gesturing towards the other side of the room.

Cherry's expression shifted, eyes wide as she hastily apologized, "Sorry, Steve," She put her drink down before scurrying to find what Billy had done this time. Steve watched as Cherry hurried off, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features. "Wait, what's your..." he started to ask, but Cherry was already gone. With a resigned smile, Steve finished his sentence, "number." He shook his head slightly, amused by the girl he'd just met. "What a fucking cockblock,"

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