[The walk]

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After dinner, the two stepped out of the restaurant, Cherry contently walking back towards Steve's car

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After dinner, the two stepped out of the restaurant, Cherry contently walking back towards Steve's car. However, Steve kept his promise, determined on showing Cherry around town like he'd offered at the party. Surprised but pleased, the girl walked along side Steve, her vision drifting from spot to spot in the quiet streets. Despite the strange and rather scary things that went on in Hawkins lately, Cherry didn't feel the slightest afraid. Maybe because Steve Harrington was beside her.

As they continued to walked through the dark streets, Steve's calm voice broke the silence. "C'mere," Cherry quickly turned, drawn in by Steve's inviting gesture. "Lemme hold your hand," he said softly, his tone almost shy as he obviously eyed her hand. Cherry smiled, her heart skipping at his words. She reached out, intertwining her fingers with his as they continued their stroll through the town. "You ever think about what you want to do after school?" Steve asked, glancing over at Cherry.

Cherry nodded thoughtfully, her eyes still trailing over her surroundings. "Yeah, sometimes." She went on, watching her feet as she tried not to step on the cracks between the sidewalk. "I mean, I know I want to do something meaningful, you know? Like... social work or... I'm not exactly sure." Steve nodded in agreement, an unreadable expression crossing his face. Cherry cleared her throat and looked back up, "What about you, Steve Harrington. You must have big plans." Steve shrugged, a grimace making his face squirm. "No, not really," he admitted sheepishly.

"I mean, obviously I've thought about it, but I don't think school's really for me." Cherry studied him for a moment, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Come on, you've gotta be good at something," she encouraged, nudging him playfully. Steve pursed his lips, "Nope." Cherry rolled her eyes, "Whatever, you've already proven yourself pretty capable with the whole demodog fighting thing." Steve groaned as he shook his head, "Please don't call them that," Cherry shrugged, "All i'm saying is, that was your thing. You were good at that," Steve chuckled, his grin widening at her words.

He couldn't help but laugh at her teasing. "Great, Cherry, thanks," he replied sarcastically. "I'll keep that in mind for my future demogorgon fighting career." Cherry shook her head, "That's not the point, Steve," Steve stifled a laugh at Cherry's response, "Okay, okay," he conceded, running a hand through his brown hair. "So what is your point, then?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. Cherry looked back up at him, her gaze playful. "Well, if you're not meant for demogorgon fighting, then what are you meant for?" she teased, nudging him gently once again.

"Come on, Steve Harrington, it feels like everyone knows you around here except for me," Steve chuckled at Cherry's playful jab. "That's just cause you're new," he replied with a smirk, feigning nonchalance. Cherry rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She adjusted her grip on his hand, "Yeah, yeah, okay. But seriously, who are you?" Steve's smirk softened into a straight line at Cherry's question. He glanced down at their intertwined hands and went on. "Who am I?" he repeated, his tone sounding as if his brain was full of thoughts.

"I guess... I'm just some guy who peaked in high school," Steve's smirk softened into a straight line at Cherry's question. He glanced down at their intertwined hands, his expression pensive. Cherry squeezed his hand gently, her eyes filled with empathy. "I don't believe that," she said softly, her voice quiet but assuring. "You're too gentle," Steve tensed up slightly at Cherry's words, his shoulders stiffening with every second. For a moment, he was uncertain, as if she touched a deeper chord within him.

But then, as if on cue, he relaxed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "Yep, now I can definitely tell you're new," he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. Cherry rolled her eyes playfully. "Steve, you're impossible," she teased. Steve shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Who cares?" he said casually. "I don't even know who I am...do you?" Cherry looked at Steve, her eyes searching his face for any sign of uncertainty. "I'm still figuring that out..." she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Steve grinned, "See, you don't know either,"

"Nobody said it was easy," she replied, a  joking glint in her eyes. Steve grinned back at her, his dimples deepening. "You were just saying-" Cherry interrupted, "I didn't say anything," she retorted, a smirk playing on her lips. Steve shook his head in amusement. "Right, of course you didn't," he replied, still sarcastic. The two continued their walk back to Steve's car in comfortable silence, their hands still intertwined as they stepped back through the quiet streets. Eventually, they reached the spot where Steve had parked, the two standing there awkwardly.

With their hands still intertwined, they lingered in the quiet for a moment. Steve's gaze softened as he looked at Cherry, his eyes drifting from her lips to meet her eyes in awe. Time seemed to slow as he took in every detail of her. The way her dark hair fell delicately around her shoulders, the shade of blue in her eyes and the way the dark of the night made them shine, and the gentle curve of her smile; steve loved it all. With a nervous yet determined breath, he leaned in closer, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of their racing hearts. Cherry's breath hitched as she felt the warmth of his breath against her own lips. Her heart sped up in anticipation, and without hesitation, she leant in and whispered, "Yes." In that moment, their lips met in a soft and tender kiss, sealing their feelings in the quiet embrace of the night. As they pulled away, Steve's eyes sparkled in a way Cherry had never before seen. "Wow," he murmured, a smile spreading across his face.

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