Chapter. 14

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AN: I'm sorry for missing the last update plan T^T
I was pretty sick last week and could barely get on much phone without getting a huge ass headache-
And this chapter will only be around 1700 words, so a bit shorter than most of the others, but that's bc I'm rn on holiday with my family and, again, can't be on my phone for long-

And also TW: mention of character death and sad Swiss


The soft sound of crickets and rustling leaves pull Swiss slowly back from his unconsciousness, his eyes fluttering open, blurry colors of dark gray and red melting into each other, surrounded by white foggy waves while two deep ocean blue rings which almost seem to glow in contrast to the other colors are positioned towards the middle. This view almost sends a pang of longing through the multi-ghoul's chest as the blue color stirs up some bottled up memories.


He blinks and rubs his eyes, a small tear rolling down the side of his face before disappearing into the hair at the back of his head. The blurriness disappears from his vision and his brain starts to recognise his lover's face, which has concern etched into the otherwise soft features.

"Everything okay..?" Sodo asks, his voice gentle and filled with a caring undertone while he runs his hand through the taller ghoul's locks and rubs his thumb along Swiss's pointy ear, gently tracing along the red markings. "You were tearing up while you slept.."

He lets out a sigh and drops his head back into Sodo's lap while pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes. "Yea.. I'm okay.." He mutters, not even believing his own words. "Wait-" Swiss pulls his hands away from his eyes and looks up at his boyfriend. "Why are your eyes blue? They used to be red.. or am I going insane?"

The fire-ghoul chuckles in response to the question. "I used glamor to make them red.. I just.. didn't like them after my transformation..." He mutters while absently letting his fingers run along Swiss's cheek. "They, and my hair, are one of the only things I kept from my water-ghoul days.."

The multi-ghoul pushes himself up, turning to face Sodo, noting that they are both alone in the garden and the sun starts to set. He reaches out to his lover, gently cupping his face with a soft smile on his lips. "They are stunning.." He breathes before placing a soft peck on the shorter man's lips. "Thank you for showing me.."

Sodo smiles and scoots closer to the other, gently resting his head on Swiss's shoulder. "But now, you tell me what was wrong." He says while giving the multi-ghoul a small jab in the side. "Why were you crying in your sleep?"

The taller sighs loudly before burying his face into Sodo's hair. "It's just stuff from my past.."

"Your past mate?" The fire-ghoul asks, trying to be careful not to strike a nerve since this is a sensitive theme for his boyfriend. "Chain, right?"

Swiss stays quiet for a moment before letting out a small, weak chuckle. "Miasma told you his name?"

"Just his name and that you guys used to be mated.." Sodo confirms and gently wraps his tail around the other. "Then I told him that I want you to tell me the details when you're ready to.."

The multi-ghoul looks at Sodo with a small smile and kisses his temple. "I don't want to talk about my whole past or we'll be sitting here for hours and I would have multiple panic attacks-" He says half jokingly while moving an arm around the other ghoul's waist. "But I can tell you a thing or two, if you want to know.."

He doesn't have to think long about his question since this one has been bugging him ever since he knew about Chain, but he also knows that this is most likely the most sensitive question. "What happened between you two..?"

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