Shun Kaido

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You'll probably be fine if you don't like him back

He would probably not figure out his feelings and be in denial for ages, even longer than saiki

He would be really clingy, he'd be constantly hugging and touching you. He'd follow you around like a lost puppy

He'd be convinced that he's your protector when in reality, you'd have to be the one to protect him

If you accepted his confession, he'd try his best to be a good boyfriend but he'd most likely mess up

For example, he'd get you a cake but end up dropping it on you

He'd be insanely jealous and insecure, he wouldn't even like it when you talked to your family!

If you rejected him, he'd probably resort to emotional manipulation because he's aware of his toddler like strength

He'd threaten to hurt himself and say stuff like "You hate me don't you?!"

If you're good at handling manipulation, you'll probably be okay

If you're not you'll probably end up dating him


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