Reita Toritska

314 4 0

Kinda difficult

If you're a girl, he'd have no problem coming to terms with his attraction to you

If you're any other gender, he'd be in denial for a couple months before giving into his feelings

His perverted tendencies would sky rocket and he'd mostly focus them on you, but if he couldn't get to you he'd take it out on others

He'd use his powers and talk to your dead loved ones to manipulate you

His flirting would be insanely aggressive and off putting

He would definitely use his possession powers to seduce or kidnap you

Very PDA forward

Same as Kaido, he'd go for big romantic gestures but they'd probably go horribly wrong

He'd give you underwear and other gross stuff as gifts

He'd throw away his magazines, study for tests, or even take a shower/wear deodorant if you asked!

He'd try to kidnap you but without his ghost powers, you could phesably fight back if you're average


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