Saiko Metori

321 6 0

This is gonna end POORly (i'm hilarious)

Statistically, the person reading this is definitely not a billionaire so because of that you're a loser and a filthy peasant in his mind

He'd fall for you quick but be in denial for ages

His method of flirting would just be throwing money at you until you dated him

If you said no, he'd make your life a living hell. 10 times worse than what he did to Terihashi in the show

If you held out through all his torture, he'd just kidnap you. He wouldn't even have to try. Being crazy rich affords you certain privileges

You'd get royalty treatment to the best of his abilities. Your own personal yacht, a penthouse, and whatever other crap rich people like

He'd have all your physical need met and more but be very bad with showing affection

He's never been shown affection so his method of love is just money cause that's all he knows

If you manage to tame this money hungry beast, you might actually have a top teir boyfriend

The only snag you would run into would be his father, you're a stupid, farm peasant so you're not worthy of marrying his son


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