Kusuke Saiki

456 9 5

(This chapter was requested by estripper772 on ao3, thank you! Funny user btw)

It'd be pretty difficult

In order for his attraction to you to make sense in his brain, he'd have to put you on a pedestal

Don't get a big head though. In his mind you're amazing but you'd never be better than him

He'd tease you and play with you alot. From his perspective it's playful, from yours it's torture

He'd probably throw in a room with a snake and tell you it's venomous but in reality it's safe

It would take him a month or two to figure out he likes you and once he figured it out he'd snatch you up in an instant

Unlike the others, he'd probably just kidnap you because he has less hangups about such stupid things as... morals

If he didn't kidnap you, he'd probably build robots that looked like cute animals or that were super small to spy on you

He'd probably keep you in some white, sterile room with a shower stocked with 3 in 1 shampoo

He would keep you just on the brink of sanity using his knowledge of psychology

He wouldn't even bother confessing, he'd just flirt with you aggressively then snatch you up in the middle of the night

Unless you're incredibly smart and strong, you're done for


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