Kineshi Hairo

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(Thank you for 200 hits on ao3 and 100 reads on wattpad!)

Pretty difficult

He'd definitely be one of those delusional yanderes. If you told him that you hated him, no you didn't. You're just tired.

It would take him a bit to realize he like you, but not as long as the others. Once he figured it out, he'd get to romance immediately.

He would probably just assumes that the reason he feels this way about you is because he wants to be your friend

If you find him you liked cherry blossom trees, he'd rip one right out of the ground and give it to you

He'd be super romantic but his idea of that is taking you to the gym, doing 1000 paper cranes, or doing marathons.

If you enjoy those things, you're fine. If you don't like that kind of stuff, he'd just tell you that you gotta try harder and you'll eventually like it.

Kidnapping or violence would be a last, LAST resort for him. He'd probably only do stuff like that if you started dating someone else.

He'd probably resort to emotional manipulation to get what he wants. You don't want to go to his favorite restaurant? You must not love him anymore!

If he kidnapped you, he'd keep you in pretty nice conditions.


(Could you guys please give me more characters to do? I'm running out of ideas lmao.)

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