Disclaimers . .

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This book contains murder and abusive situations, which might be disturbing for sensitive readers. 


Hi, thank's for making 'Bubblegum' your next read! Once I'm publishing this part, the actual parts won't be out yet, but I wanted to publish a slight author's note as a teaser to get readers into the book. ;) 

This book is written in the POV of Avery, the main character of the book. The POV isn't changing during the story.

This is my first actual Thriller/Mystery book, so not everything will be perfectly described in the beginning. Please have respect for that and feel free to correct any grammar mistakes. <3 

Writing this book was actually so much fun and almost felt like therapy, I might've also added some names of people I don't like to be victimized for the murders that are comitted throughout the book. Sorry not sorry :). 

!I wanted to make clear the characters in this book do NOT have a religion!

The story is set in a different universe, the universe where the story takes place is made up.

Please be kind to others in the comments, I don't wanna have anyone feeling uncomfortable because of sharing their opinions. Books are there for everyone to escape their realities, let's not make anything uncomfortable. 

At first, I never thought I was actually gonna publish this book on Wattpad, but after showing it to some of my friends, they said it would be a good idea to do so anyway, thanks to everyone who supported me throughout this journey and read the most unholy stuff to give your opinion wether it was 'appropriate or not' in the middle of a lecture. (it was not, trust me.)

Each chapter will have it's own TW (trigger warning). Each trigger will be described before the chapter starts to make sure you can skip the chapter if you're sensitive to the trigger. Each chapter also consists a small author's note, to look back onto the chapter I'd just wrote.

Keep in mind I have all rights reserved for the plot and book. You can always contact me if you wanna use some scenes or anything else in your own book. We can find a way to sort things out. 

If this book works out on Wattpad, I might publish it someday. I'll be translating the book into Dutch and (maybe) French.

Small detail, the book has a huge plottwist at the end, expect the unexpected.. ;)


With this book, I'm not trying to romanticize murder or abusive relationships!

© C O P Y R I G H T 2024



Alright, that's it.

Enjoy ❤. 

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