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TW; None. 


It didn't take a genius to know that he ran off like a pussy not even ten seconds later.

When it came to Tyson Rodger, the guy that always smoked outside the school gate with 'the boys' whenever they had breaks, I never thought he would be the one that would actually shit his pants when a woman treatened him with a knife. I shouldn't be so shocked though, because it wouldn't be making a huge difference if he got threatened by a man instead. It would probably be the goddamn same, since he didn't seem to have balls. As I walked through the forest after I cleaned everything up and hid the knifes I brought back into my bag, I suddenly stopped, feeling a pair of eyes burning a hole in my cheek.

Someone's watching me.

I turned around, crossing my arms infront of my chest. I hated it when people followed me around, especially not in these kind of moments when I was trying to let my anger out on a person. "You know it's rude to follow someone around, hm?" I probably looked crazy for talking to the air infront of me, but as I looked around, a figure appeared from behind one of the trees. A tall, muscular figure, tousled hair.

I'll be damned.

"Threatening someone and cutting their throat when their sister is missing isn't very polite either." The familiar husky voice spoke as he walked up to me. "I did some research into you after our approach, Avery Watson. Took over the cases of your sister? Must say you have my condolences after all, such a sad death. Honestly, she seemed like the nicest one of your rich, fucked up family." He spat the last four as if they were acid while looking at me with a glare. Last time I've seen him, he wasn't looking like the man he was right now. He was sweet, willing to talk. Right now, he was being a complete asshole. "What do you want?" I snapped back, my muscles tensing.

"Still as feisty as last time, hm?" He took another step closer, making it harder to breathe. His cologne filled my nosetrills, and it made my stomach turn. "Oh, how rude of me. Zion, pleasure to meet you. Since we didn't exchange our names in the club, I thought it would be polite to do it here, since your suddenly following the 'rules'." He muttered, now sticking out his hand. I took it, shaking it as I squeezed it as tight as I could. He didn't seem to bother, since he just gently shook my hand while his hand turned white from the pressure. "Just know I could easily step up to the police if I wanted to. Such a shame. Avery Watson betrays her own dead sister by killing close family to case solver Jane Rodger. Imagine what your parents will think." He said in a mocking tone, earning himself a glare. "For the record, I thought you actually did research in my family. You clearly didn't research the famiy background, since I'm lucky if I see my parents with Christmas." The words were like acid on my tongue, my gut hurting with each word I said. It was the hard truth, but the truth hurts. The only person I had was Jonathan, but I wasn't gonna give him any more information, which he was clearly trying to wringe out of me. I wasn't the type that gave in this fast. "Now, if you don't mind, I would like to give you a chance to make up fort his naïve fault of yours." He said with a lazy drawl, now looking straight into my eyes. His lazy eyes were practically piercing my entire soul, but I tried to look as unbothered as I could. He was manipulating me, and I fucking hated it. "I'm listening." My drawl came out in the same lazy tone as he talked in while I picked my nails.

He didn't seem to be amused with my way of talking, since he straightened his back and a muscle ticked in his jaw. "I'll help you with your cases, get the fame together with you. It's the only way I'll ever be able to find a job." He said in a cold tone, trying to give away the less information about himself he could. I let out a sarcastic laugh, now looking up to him. "Oh, wait. Are you telling me you don't have a job?" I couldn't help laughing, since he was always acting like the badass male he thought he was, but he wasn't. "Wasted all your money on tattoos, didn't you?" I gestured at the skull on his upper arm, an arrow pointing through it's head. His left arm was covered in a long sleeve, leading all the way up his ampits. He gave me a cold glare, not amused by my joke. "Fuck you, just accept my offer, or you'll be cancelled with one simple trip to the police station." It seemed like he was serious, based on his serious tone and the way he looked at me. I gulped, trying not to be taken aback by his threat. It was a serious one. But I wasn't gonna pay for a dumb fault I made for not checking my surroundings before threatening someone.

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