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"Alright." My homeroom teacher came in, holding a stack of papers.

Everybody in the class was silent, focused on the singular person stood before us.

"Are those our exam results?" One of the students shouted out.

Mr Kwon laughed, giving a sigh right afterwards before nodding his head.

"Correct, I hope you are all ready to see them." He chuckled, walking around the classroom with very scary looking envelopes.

They were plain white envelopes, but despite that, it still spiked my heartbeat up into the two hundreds. The anticipation was too grand, and I just knew everybody was waiting for me to open my results, just to see what I got.

Mr Kwon handed the envelopes out, and for some reason, I didn't have mine.

I looked around, and at one desk, another student didn't have his either. We made eye contact, and he curled the corner of his lip at me.

Ugh, Park Jongseong. Or everybody else called him, Jay.

He was the ultimate asshat, I doubted that there would be anybody worse than him in this world. There was completely no other person who would annoy me more than him - and the worst thing too? We didn't even talk to each other that much.

It started when I topped all of his grades two years ago, that guy almost passed out after seeing that he wasn't number one anymore.

Served him right, his ego was too high. And since then, he's had this huge grudge against me, just because I still beat him in every exam ever.

But this one was serious now, it'd decide whether I'd get into the university I had longed for years to get into. Seoul National University.

It was everybody's dream to go to such a prestigious university, and more so in my family. We didn't come from much, my mother had sold her market in order to keep us on our feet, and we lived the bare minimum really, but we were grateful and humble.

Everybody in my family thought I was insane initially, having such high hopes into getting into the university only a handful could go to, especially with my background. But with hard grinding and gritting my teeth to just pull through, I studied almost every day, had my head down and used each second of my time wisely.

I had just hoped all these sleepless nights had paid off.

"And, to you two, here are your results." Mr Kwon individually handed ours out, he placed mine on my desk, and then gave it to Jay.

We looked at each other for a split second, then hurried to rip the envelope open.

My fingers had never worked faster opening this piece of paper. I hurriedly took the folded paper, unfolding it with little to any care.

I scanned all of my subjects, and every single one of them, had been between 98-100. ((this would be considered an A+ in america))

I had the brightest smile on my face, just staring at the gorgeous, gorgeous numbers written on my paper. I was going to frame this and stare at it for the rest of my life.

"Sarang! What did you get?" One of the students came up to me, eager to see what I got.

I showed her my paper humbly, and she covered her mouth, eyes glimmering wide open at the sight of my grades.

"Holy shit! She's got all of them nearly at 100. And two at 100. What the hell??" She exclaimed as many others came to look.

"Hey! Mija, language!" Mr Kwon yelled at her, walking over to see my grades too.

Everybody else then diverted to Jay, crowding around him and seeing his grades. They were equally as shocked, but I was more interested in seeing whether he did better than me or not.

Surely not.

My best friend, Shin-hye, hurriedly moved over to see what Jay got, she pulled her phone out in the crowd, taking a sneaky picture of his grades.

And at the same time, Jay's best friend, Jungwon, ran over to me and pretended to look around. He had his phone out, clearly taking a picture as sneakily as he could.

The two switched places, Shin-hye running to me with her picture, and Jungwon running to Jay with his picture.

My heart never had beaten faster than this current moment.

I looked at the picture she gave me, and the smile on my face just got brighter and brighter. I had surpassed Jay's grades, every. single. grade.

I was always at least one point higher in each one, which meant, I'm clearly better than him.

"WHAT!" I shouted out in glee, standing up from my desk from utter happiness and disbelief.

"WHAT!" Whereas, Jay shouted out in shock and bewilderment.

I turned to look at him, waving my piece of paper in his face, as if to mock his grades. I had such a huge smile on my face, the biggest one ever.

I skipped out of the class, so happy with myself.

"LEE SARANG!!!!!!!!!" Jay yelled from afar, I just skipped my way out of the school, inhaling the fresh breeze dramatically.

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