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I just laughed in her face, like that. You think I'd listen to a girl who probably can't even list her full alphabet?

"Hyojin, one thing you'll get to learn about me, is that I'm not intimidated by your threats. Okay?" I told her, and she didn't seem amused a single bit.

"I'll tell Jay's father about the contract, how your relationship is fake." Hyojin grasped at straws here, trying to threaten me further.

I gave a yawn, then a sigh.

"Do as you wish, you're only making Jay hate you more." I shrugged with a chuckle, turning around and heading towards the front of the building.

"This bitch." I heard her mutter as I walked off into the distance, gradually getting further and further from her.

Damn, what a fucking night.

I sat on the stairs outside of the building, just scrolling on my phone trying to take my mind off things.

A certain scene was just replaying in my mind continuously - the part where Jay held my face in his warm hands, pulling me in for a kiss.

Wow, now imagine that, kissing the person you sworn to be your mortal enemy.

I shook my head, trying to ignore that it even happened - it was probably just so his father wouldn't suspect we were fake dating or something along those lines.

With a sigh, I continued looking over pointless things on my phone - this was probably by far, the most interesting thing that has happened in my entire life.

How sad.

Amidst scrolling, a blazer threw itself over my head. I could just tell who it was, solely from the fragrance protruding from it, and also, the type of blazer.

Him and his 'fine italian silk' or whatever the hell he was bullshitting sometime ago.

I took it off my head, laying it to the side of the me, on the stairs. He sat beside me, looking up at the stars with a smile.

I looked over at him - it was only supposed to be a brief glance - but as he stared so cutely into the sky, glittered with stars. I couldn't help but remain mesmerised by his own face.

Put that motherfucker in the sky and I'll start stargazing every night.

He turned to look at me, our eyes locking, and this very strange-feeling silence between us. His eyebrows softened, and his eyes had white speckles glimmering in them.

I cleared my throat, regaining my consciousness and looking to my lap in awkwardness. I could just feel the heat raising from the bottom of me, straiiight to my face.

"Why'd you do that?" I inquired, there's no way I'd avoid asking him that. I wanted answers.

"Do what?" He responded, as if he had no idea what I was trying to get at.

I rolled my eyes, giving a light groan at his stupidity. I didn't know if he was doing it on purpose on not, but either way - how annoying.

"Seriously?" I sighed, "Why'd you kiss me?"

"I wanted you to shut up - it worked." Jay didn't seem phased by this - at all. And I just turned my head slowly, jaw clenched as I stared at him.

"There were so many ways you could've told me to shut up, but your greatest idea was to kiss me?" I gave a short laugh, in pure disbelief at him.

"What's the issue here?" Jay was beginning to get on my nerves with this clueless, nonchalant act.

I rubbed my face in exasperation, giving a quick sigh to calm my nerves and not start pouncing on him like a wildcat.

"The issue is that, now Hyojin is going to hire a hitman to kill me, and.." I hesitated to say what I was going to say.

Jay turned his head to look at me as I stopped mid sentence. He raised a brow, in interest and confusion.

"And..?" He wanted me to continue my sentence, but I don't even know if I wanted to say it.

"Nothing, just that Hyojin will definitely wish upon my death." I looked around, giving a sigh before looking back down to my lap.

"Fuck Hyojin, what were you going to say? I know you had something else to say." Jay insisted, and I just pressed my lips into a thin line, really debating inside with myself whether I should even let this out verbally.

But, it looked like even if I kept denying that I had something else to say, he'd insist until I finally told him.

"And, it made me feel conflicted. You know we're supposed to hate each other, right?" I glanced over at him, and he looked at me too, a small smirk curving onto the side of his lips.

"Said who?" Jay rose a brow, I could just sense his excitement over my words through his face. If he could, I bet he'd be jumping around the place at this.

"Come on now, you know fine well we swore unspoken oath on this years ago." I crossed my arms, giving a huff as I looked around, feeling a little flustered.

"Years agooo, you know, we were stupid kids." Jay chuckled, still admiring me as I couldn't even face him right now.

"Actually, you were stupid, I was smart." I had to get the last words in, come on, it was a good moment to.

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