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The music paused, and people were looking around to see what was going on.

"OVER HERE!!! HELP, ANYBODY!!!" A voice yelled, crying.

I immediately ran over in my heels, people moving out of the way and uncertain of what to do.

At a table, a man had collapsed to the floor, unresponsive.

"Please help me, my husband has just fell to the ground, he's not responding, he usually has high blood pressure, and I don't think he took his medication." The woman urgently spoke, in tears as she touched her husband, who was laying on the floor.

I kneeled to the floor, people looking at the scene going on. I checked his breathing first and foremost, and his breathing was hoarse, barely able to breathe clearly.

"Call for the ambulance, hurry. I'm a surgeon, there's not much I can do without my equipment, but I'll try and stall for time while the paramedics aren't here." I hurriedly told her.

Jay suddenly ran up to where the guy was. I looked at him, rolling my eyes but continuing to perform a few checks on the guy.

"What's going on?" He inquired, kneeling beside me too, checking his eyes.

"A stroke, give me your jacket, hurry up." I urged him, he took it off, handing his blazer and handing it to me.

I curled it up into a ball, Jay lift the guy's shoulder up so I could place the clothing on his shoulder, supporting him upright. He held the guy on his side, and as he did that, I unbuttoned the first few buttons of the unconscious guy's shirt.

The wife was in a frenzy, crying and shaking. I could understand why, it was supposed to be a happy event.

I checked his breathing once again, and I thought I was mistaken, thinking he wasn't breathing, but I looked up at Jay, concerned.

"Check if he's breathing, I don't think he is." I told him quietly, so the woman wouldn't be able to hear, the last thing I'd want is for her to fall into shock and faint.

Jay checked for his breathing, and he looked at me, shaking his head.

We quickly acted, laying the guy on his back. I hovered over him, pressing my hands over his chest and beginning compressions whereas Jay checked for his breathing every minute.

Eventually, the guy was breathing once again, it was coarse, but he was breathing and that's all that mattered.

We stayed beside the guy, knelt and ensuring he was breathing up until the ambulance came. After a while, they had finally arrived, taking the guy in a hurry, the wife following along.

I stood up from the floor, brushing my dress as I watched the paramedics drag him off. It was weird, because I knew what would happen as soon as he'd get to the hospital, the exact process he'd go through, I could imagine it all in my head.

I picked Jay's blazer up off the floor, it may be a little wrinkled now, whoops, at least it was used for a good cause.

Not so long later, the room was filled with a bunch of claps, and woo's at the mere fact we helped a guy - not die. It was a little awkward, I must say, but just like that, the party resumed and everybody forgot about the guy who had a stroke, just that easily.

It was bewildering to me, because even though I was a surgeon and I see devastating cases on the daily, I still can remember, and still feel for those people. Like, just seeing how distraught the wife was, how she was barely able to even contain her emotions, just breaks my heart.

"What's on your mind?" Jay asked, snapping me out of my daze as I held his blazer in my hands.

"Nothing." I shoved his blazer back in his arms, walking off, my knees hurting from kneeling on the hard marble flooring for so long.

He followed after, running up to me and walking beside me.

"Hey, you creased my blazer, you know this wasn't cheap." He had the audacity to complain, and I turned to look at him, glaring.

"Iron it then. Or maybe buy yourself a new one, you know - you have the daddy's money." I rolled my eyes, spinning back around and heading to the table, picking up my clutch purse.

"Wow, aren't you disrespectful?" He was clearly enjoying teasing me. And I simply stared at him, taking his blazer out of his hands.

"I'll show you disrespectful." I dropped his blazer on the floor, proceeding to walk on it as I made my way towards the exit.

"Hey! Lee Sarang!!!!!!" He yelled from afar, just like the times in highschool.

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